IVS General Meeting Program

Monday, February 21
Session 1. Highlights and Challenges of VLBI, Chair: Arthur Niell
09:00 Welcome
09:15 IVS Chair's Address
Wolfgang Schlüter
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)
09:30 IVS Coordinating Center Report
Nancy Vandenberg
NVI, Inc./Goddard Space Flight Center
09:45 From Quasars to Benchmarks: VLBI Links Heaven to Earth ( invited )
James Campbell
Geodetic Institute, University of Bonn
10:15 The Role of VLBI Among the Geodetic Space Techniques within CSTG ( invited )
Hermann Drewes
10:45 BREAK/Poster Session 1
11:15 Astronomical VLBI: Comparison and Contrast with Geodetic/Astrometric VLBI ( invited )
Craig Walker
11:45 The ICRF and Relationships Between Frames ( invited )
Chopo Ma
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
12:00 ITRF Status and Plans for ITRF2000 ( invited )
Zuheir Altamimi
Institut Geographique National, France
12:15 LUNCH
14:00 Geophysical Applications of Earth Rotation Measurements ( invited )
Tom Herring
14:30 It's About Time! ( invited )
Tom Clark
Session 2. Field Stations and Data Acquisition, Chair: Shigeru Matsuzaka
15:00 IVS Network Coordinator Report
Ed Himwich
15:15 BREAK/Poster Session 1
15:45 VLBI Electronics for Analysts: From the Feed to the Recorder ( invited )
Brian Corey
MIT Haystack Observatory
16:15 VLBI Data Acquisition and Recorder Systems: A Summary and Comparison ( invited )
Bill Petrachenko
Geodetic Survey Division, NRCan
16:45 An Introduction to the Field System ( invited )
Ed Himwich
17:30 Planning the Chiefs Meeting for February, 2001 ( splinter meeting )
Ed Himwich
Purpose: The Chiefs Meeting is one of the primary training forums for geodetic VLBI operations. This splinter meeting is intended to help develop a consensus about the format, and possibly the date, of the next Chiefs Meeting. A significant issue to be discussed is whether we should continue the historical style of large infrequent meetings, move to smaller more focused and more frequent meetings, or some combinations of these. Another important topic will be collaborating with other groups, such as the EVN, on the organization of these meetings.

Tuesday, February 22
Session 3. Technology and Data Acquisition, Chair: Wayne Cannon
09:00 IVS Technology Coordinator Report
Alan Whitney
MIT Haystack Observatory
09:20 Geodetic VLBI Observations Using the Giga-Bit VLBI System
Yasuhiro Koyama(1), Tetsuro Kondo(1), Junichi Nakajima(1), Mamoru Seki do(1), Ryuichi Ichikawa(1), Eiji Kawai(1), Hiroshi Okubo(1), Hiro Osaki(1), Hiro shi Takaba(2), Minoru Yoshida(2), and Ken-ichi Wakamatsu(2)
(1) Kashima Space Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory (2) Gifu University
09:35 Concept for an Affordable High-Data-Rate VLBI Recording and Playback System
Alan Whitney
MIT Haystack Observatory
09:50 BREAK/Poster Session 2
Session 4. Local Surveys, Chair: Hayo Hase
10:30 The Importance of Local Surveys for Tying Techniques Together ( invited )
John Bosworth (1) and Jim Long (2)
(1) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (2) AlliedSignal Technical Services Co.
11:00 Local Surveys of VLBI Telescopes: Conceptual and Practical Issues ( invited )
Axel Nothnagel (1) and Ludwig Combrinck (2)
Geodetic Institute, University of Bonn, (2) HartRAO
11:30 A New GPS-VLBI Tie at the Onsala Telescope
Sten Bergstrand, Rudiger Haas, Jan M. Johansson
Onsala Space Observatory, Onsala, SWEDEN
11:45 VLBI Determinations of Local Telescope Displacements
Haas (1), R., A. Nothnagel (2), D. Behrend (3)
(1) OSO, Onsala/Sweden, (2) GIUB, Bonn/Germany, (3) IEEC, Barcelona/Spain
12:00 LUNCH
Session 5. Observing Programs, Chair: Paolo Tomasi
13:30 The CORE Program
Chopo Ma (1), Cynthia Thomas (2), Nancy Vandenberg (2)
(1) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (2) NVI, Inc./GSFC
13:45 The European VLBI Project
James Campbell and Axel Nothnagel
Geodetic Institute, University of Bonn
14:00 Current Activities in the EVN
Huib van Langevelde
Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe
14:15 Overview of Observations on the VLBA
Craig Walker
14:30 Differential VLBI Observations Among a Lunar Orbiter, the Moon, and QSOs
Nobuyuki Kawano(1), Hideo Hanada(1), Takahiro Iwata(2) and Yasuhiro Koy ama(3)
(1)National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, (2)National Space Development Agency of Japan, (3)CRL
14:45 A Southern Hemisphere Observing Program to Strengthen the ICRF: Benefits for Astrometry, Geodesy, and Astronomy
A.L. Fey, K.J. Johnston (USNO); D.L. Jauncey, J.E. Reynolds, A.K. Tziou mis (ATNF);|P. McCulloch, M.E. Costa, S.J. Ellingsen (UTas); G.D. Nicolson (HART RAO)
15:00 A Proposed Astrometric Observing Program for Densifying the ICRF in the Northern Hemisphere
P. Charlot (1), B. Viateau (1)(4), A. Baudry (1), C. Ma (2), A. Fey (3) , T. M. Eubanks (3), C. Jacobs (4), O. Sovers (4)
(1) Observatoire de Bordeaux, (2) NASA/GSFC, (3) USNO, (4) JPL
15:15 The S2 Geodetic VLBI Program in Canada: Operations, Experiments, and Results
Klatt(1), Berube(1), Bujold(1), Cannon(2), Feil(2), Novikov(2), Petrachenko(1), Popelar(1), Searle(2,1)
(1)Geodetic Survey Division, NRCan (2)SGL, CRESTech
15:30 New Uses for the VLBI Network
Tom Clark
15:45 BREAK/Poster Session 2
Session 6. Correlators, Chair: Tetsuro Kondo
16:15 How Do VLBI Correlators Work? ( invited )
Alan Whitney
MIT Haystack Observatory
16:45 Early Experiences with the Mark IV Correlator
Kerry Kingham and Jim Martin
U. S. Naval Observatory
17:00 The Bonn Mark IV Correlator Project
W. Alef (1), J.A. Zensus (1), A. Müskens (2), W. Schlüter (3)
(1) Max-Planck-Institut for Radioastronomie, Bonn, (2) Geodetic Institute, University of Bonn, (3) Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
17:30 Maintenance Support Issues ( splinter meeting )
Arthur Niell
MIT Haystack Observatory
19:00 Busses depart for IVS Dinner
19:30 IVS Dinner

Wednesday, February 23
Session 7. Analysis Part 1, Chair: Jim Ray
09:00 IVS Analysis Coordinator report
Axel Nothnagel
09:15 Geodetic Analysis Overview ( invited )
Harald Schuh
09:45 Instrumental Errors of Geodetic VLBI
Leonid Petrov
Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn
10:00 Mark IV Data Analysis - Software Changes and Early Experiences
Brent Archinal
U. S. Naval Observatory
10:15 VLBI Data Analysis with a Full Variance-Covariance Matrix
Harald Schuh and Volker Tesmer
DGFI, Munich, Germany
10:30 BREAK
11:00 Optimal Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters Using VLBI
Leonid Petrov
Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn
11:15 Improvement of VLBI EOP Accuracy and Precision
Dan MacMillan (1) and Chopo Ma (2)
(1) NVI, Inc./GSFC and (2) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
11:30 First Results of the 1999 Tsukuba-Wettzell UT1 Intensive Test Series
Nothnagel A. (1), Hase H. (1), Kilger R. (1), Ogi S. (2), Takashima K .(2), Thorandt V. (1), Ullrich D. (1)
Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodaesie, Germany (1), Geographical Survey Institut e, Japan (2)
11:45 Ocean Loading Tides for, in and from VLBI
Hans-Georg Scherneck, Ruediger Haas, Alessandro Laudati
Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology
12:00 Improved atmospheric mapping functions for VLBI and GPS
Arthur Niell
MIT Haystack Observatory
12:15 LUNCH
Session 8. Analysis Part 2, Chair: Harald Schuh
14:00 Atmospheric Parameters Derived from Simultaneous Observations with Space Geodetic and Remote Sensing Techniques at OSO
Haas, R., L. P. Gradinarsky, G. Elgered, J. M. Johansson
Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), Chalmers University of Technology (CUT), SE-43992 ONSALA (Sweden)
14:15 Calibration of Atmospherically Induced Delay Fluctuations
G.M. Resch, C.S. Jacobs, S.J. Keihm, G.E. Lanyi, C.J. Naudet, A.L. Rile y, H.W. Rosenberger, A.B. Tanner
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
14:30 Stability of the ICRF: A Time Series Approach
Martine Feissel and Anne-Marie Gontier
Observatoire de Paris
14:45 Improving the ICRF Using the Radio Reference Frame Image Database
D.A. Boboltz, A.L. Fey, R.A. Gaume, K.J. Johnston
U. S. Naval Observatory
15:00 Combination of VLBI, GPS, and SLR Data at the Observation Level - A Status Report
P. H. Andersen
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, Kjeller, Norway, and Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway
15:15 BREAK
15:45 UTC and UT1: New Timing Products from the IGS ( invited )
Jim Ray
U. S. Naval Observatory
16:15 Cooperation and Common Interests of the IGS and the IVS ( invited )
Tim Springer
University of Berne
16:45 Closing Remarks and IVS Future Plans
Wolfgang Schlüter

Poster Session 1. IVS Component Reports, Chair: Richard Kilger
Network Stations
Matera CGS VLBI Station Status
P. Colucci, D. Del Rosso, E. Lunalbi, F. Vespe

The Geodetic Observatory O'Higgins: A Contribution to IVS in the Southern Hemisphere
Andreas Reinhold(2), Hayo Hase(1),Wolfgang Schlüter(1), Reiner Wojdziak(2)
(1)Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Fundamentalstation Wettzell, (2) Aussenstelle Leipzig

The IVS Activities at Onsala Space Observatory
Haas, R. G. Elgered, H.-G. Scherneck, J.M. Johansson, S. Bergstrand, L. P. Gradinarsky, B. Stoew, J, Boerjesson, H. Bouma
Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), Chalmers University of Technology (CUT), ONSALA (Sweden)

Noto VLBI Station: Technological Research Activity
Gino Tuccari
Istituto di Radioastronomia CNR

VLBI Activities at GSI
Shigeru Matsuzaka and Misao Ishihara
Geographical Survey Institute

TIGO: Its Contribution to ITRF/IERS
Hayo Hase, Armin Boeer, Stefan Riepl, Wolfgang Schlüter
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)

20-m Radiotelescope at Fundamentalstation Wettzell
Richard Kilger, et al.
Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodaesie, German y

The New 40-meter Radiotelescope of OAN at Yebes
Francisco Colomer

Gilmore Creek Geophysical Observatory 2000 status
Rich Strand

Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory 2000
Clyde Cox
AlliedSignal Technical Services Corp.
Operation Centers
CORE Operations Center: 2000 and Beyond
Cynthia Thomas and Nancy Vandenberg
NVI, Inc./Goddard Space Flight Center
Data Centers
The Paris Observatory Data Center (OPAR)
Najat Essaifi
Paris Observatory
Status and Development of the IVS Data Center at BKG Leipzig
Volkmar Thorandt, Dieter Ullrich, Rainer Wojdziak
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)

The IVS Data Center at the CDDIS: An Overview
Carey Noll and Maurice Dube
Analysis Centers
The Paris Observatory Analysis Centre OPAR
Anne-Marie Gontier, Martine Feissel, Najat Essaifi, Didier Jean-Alexis
Paris Observatory

IAA Analysis Center Activity in 1999
Zinovy Malkin
Contribution of the BKG analysis group to the IVS analysis activities
Volkmar Thorandt, Dieter Ullrich, Gerald Engelhardt
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)

GSFC VLBI Analysis Center Activities
Chopo Ma (1), David Gordon (2), Dan MacMillan (3), and Karen Baver (2)
(1) NASA/GSFC, (2) Raytheon ITSS and NASA/GSFC, (3) NVI Inc. and NASA/GSFC
Technology Development Centers
Recent Activities at Communications Research Laboratory
Tetsuro Kondo and CRL VLBI Group
Communications Research Laboratory

The Canadian Transportable VLBI Antenna
Mario Berube
Geodetic Survey Division, NRCan

The S2 VLBI System: DAS, RT/PT and Correlator
Petrachenko(1), Bujold(1), Cannon(2,4), Carlson(3), Dewdney(3), Feil(2), Newby(2), Novikov(2), Popelar(1), Wietfeldt(5)
(1)Geodetic Survey Division, NRCan (2)SGL, CRESTech, (3)DRAO, NRC, (4)York University, (5)JPL

Poster Session 2. IVS Analysis Reports, Chair: Ruediger Haas
Determination of EOP with OCCAM and ERA Packages
Elena Skurikhina and Maria Sokolskaya
Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences

A Catalogue of Radio Source Coordinates Obtained from NEOS and CORE VLBI Programs
Maria Sokolskaya, Zinovy Malkin
Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences

Status of IADA: An Intelligent Assostant for Data Analysis in VLBI
W. Schwegmann, H. Schuh
DGFI, Munich, Germany

GINS: A New Multi-Technique Software for VLBI Analysis
U. Meyer (1), P. Charlot (2), R. Biancale (1)
(1) CNES/GRGS Toulouse, ( 2) Observatoire de Bordeaux

An Experimental Campaign for Evaluation of Wet Delay Variations Using WVRs in the Kanto District, Central Japan
Ichikawa, et al.
Kashima Space Research Center, Communications Research
Optical Linked VLBI Observations
Juichi Nakajima, et al.
CRL, Japan
Celestial Reference Frame RSC(GAOUA)99 C 03
O. A. Molotaj
Astronomical observatory of Kyiv University|Celestial re ference frame RSC(GAOUA)99 C 03
Multi-frequency VLBI Observations of the ICRF Source 1823+568
Z. Paragi et al.
FOMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory
Differential VLBI Observations of the Lunar Prospector
Y. Kono[1], H. Hanada[2], K. Iwadate[2], H. Araki[2], N. Kawano[2], Y. Koyama[3] , Y. Fukuzaki[4]
|[1] GUAS of Japan, [2] National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, [3] CRL, [4] Geographical Survey Institute
EOP Series and Station Positions from VLBI Observations for 1984-1999
Elena Skurikhina
Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences
VLBI in the Deep Space Network: Challenges and Prospects
V. Altunin, G. Resch, D. Rogstad, P. Wolken *
JPL/NASA, * AlliedSignal
Geodesy/Astrometry from the VLBA
David Gordon
Raytheon ITSS and NASA/GSFC
VLBI Baseline Rates from Simultaneous Solution of Baseline Measurements with Antenna Offsets
H. B. Iz and B. A. Archinal
The U.S. Naval Observatory, Department of Earth Orientation, Washington D.C., USA
Polar Motion from VLBI Observations
Jinling Li and Guangli Wang
Shanghai Observatory
Thursday, February 24
09:00 Excursion to Fundamentalstation Wettzell
Introduction to activities at a fundamental station for geodesy (Schlüter)
Visit to VLBI group at 20-m radio telescope (Kilger)
Visit to Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory (TIGO) (Hase)
Visit to the Wettzell Laser Ranging System (WLRS) (Riepl, Schreiber)
Visit to the GPS control station (Roettcher, Hessels)
Visit to the Time & Frequency Laboratory (Feil)
Visit to the seismic and gravity meter station (Stoeger)
12:00 End of tour and departure for lunch
13:30 Analysis Centers Workshop
Axel Nothnagel

Last updated: February 4, 2000