Fourth IVS General Meeting

Concepción , Chile


Opening Ceremony

0-01 UdeC Welcome Address (doc, 28 KB)

Sergio Lavanchy , Rector Universidad de Concepción

0-02 IVS Welcome Address

Wolfgang Schlüter, IVS Chair

Session 1: VLBI in Science and Application

1-01 Chair’s Report (ppt, 154 KB)

Wolfgang Schlüter, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)

1-02 Coordinating Center Report (ppt, 3.41 MB)

Dirk Behrend, NVI, Inc./GSFC

1-03 The Global Geodetic Observing System and the IVS Service (invited) (ppt, 13.3 MB)

Markus Rothacher, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ)

1-04 GAIA and a New Optical Reference Frame (invited) (ppt, 1.43 MB)

Alexandre H. Andrei, Observatorio Nacional /MCT & Observatorio do Valongo /UFRJ

1-05 Role of VLBI for Investigating Earth Rotation (invited) (pdf, 1.04 MB)

Aleksander Brzezinski, Space Research Center , Polish Academy of Sciences

1-06 The ALMA Project (invited) (pdf, 3.80 MB)

Massimo Tarenghi , ALMA Consortium

1-07 IVS’ Contribution to the IERS Combination Pilot Project and to the ITRF2004: Status and Results (ppt, 908 KB)

Markus Vennebusch, Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn

1-08 The Corrections of Ionosphere Delay in the VLBI Observations of Satellite (ppt, 1.27 MB)

Jinling Li, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1-09 GPS Meteorology over Northeast Brazil : Perspectives (ppt, 10.7 MB)

A. Costa (1,2), A. M. Pereira de Lucena (3), P. Kaufmann (4), F. Sales Ávila Cavalcante (2), F. Geraldo de Melo Pinheiro (2), F. de Assis Travares Ferreira da Silva (3), J. Bosco Verçosa Leal Jr . (2), V. de Paula Silva Filho (1,3); (1) FUNCEME, (2) UECE, (3) INPE, (4) Mackenzie University

1-10 Global VLBI Solution IGG05R01 (ppt, 2.57 MB)

Robert Heinkelmann (1), Johannes Böhm (1), Harald Schuh (1), Volker Tesmer (2), (1) Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics , Vienna University of Technology ,

(2) Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut

1-11 International VLBI Tracking of SELENE (ppt, 6.84 MB)

Nobuyuki Kawano, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

1-12 Spacecraft Tracking with the Chinese VLBI Network (ppt, 13.7 MB)

Xiuzhong Zhang and the Chinese VLBI Network Team, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1-13 The First Year of VERA Geodetic Experiments (ppt, 9.49 MB)

Takaaki Jike , Yoshiaki Tamura, Seiji Manabe, NAOJ VERA Group; VERA Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

1-14 VERA System and Recent Results (pdf, 820 KB)

H. Kobayashi (1), S. Manabe (1), N. Kawaguchi (1), K-M. Shibata (1), Y. Tamura (1), O. Kameya (1), M. Honma (1),T. Hirota (1), H. Imai (2), T. Omodaka (2); (1) VERA Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan; (2) Department of Science, Kagoshima University

Session 2: Next Generation VLBI

2-01 Achieving a Quantum Leap in Observation Density (ppt, 751 KB)

Bill Petrachenko, Natural Resources Canada ( NRCan )

2-02 A Wide-Band VLBI Digital Backend System (ppt, 6.55 MB)

Alan Whitney, Shep Doeleman , Brian Fanous , Hans Hinteregger , MIT Haystack Observatory

2-03 A New Lower Cost 12m Full Motion Antenna (invited) (ppt, 17.3 MB)

Peter Shield, Mark Godwin, InterTronic Solutions, Patriot Antenna Systems Inc.

2-04 Uses of the ICRF and Implications for Future VLBI (ppt, 1.34 MB)

Chopo Ma, Goddard Space Flight Center

2-05 Softc + Beowulf – JPL’s Newest Correlator ** canceled **

Stephen Lowe, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

2-06 Real Time Correlator in FPGA (ppt, 3.73 MB)

Zhijun Xu , Xiuzhong Zhang, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2-07 Simulations for VLBI 2010 (ppt, 3.16 MB)

Jörg Wresnik, Johannes Böhm , Harald Schuh, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna University of Technology

2-08 Singular Value Decomposition – A Tool for VLBI Simulations (ppt, 629 KB)

Markus Vennebusch, Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn

Session 3: Network Stations, Operation Centers , Correlators

3-01 A New 40-m Radio Telescope in Yebes ( Spain ) for Geodetic VLBI Studies by IGN (invited) (ppt, 16.3 MB)

Jesús Gómez-González, Francisco Colomer, Alberto Barcia, José Antonio López-Fernández, Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) of Spain

3-02 K5/VSSP Data Processing System of Small Cluster Computing at Tsukuba VLBI Correlator (invited) (ppt, 5.29 MB)

Morito Machida, Masayoshi Ishimoto, Kazuhiro Takashima, Tetsuro Kondo, Yasuhiro Koyama, Geographical Survey Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)

3-03 Remote Control of VLBI Operations (ppt, 1.75 MB)

Gonzalo Remedi , Sergio Sobarzo, Cristobal Jara, Roberto Aedo, Carlos Verdugo, Hayo Hase, UBB, UdeC , BKG

3-04 National Geodetic VLBI Plan in Korea (ppt, 4.10 MB)

Tuhwan Kim (1), Tetsuo Sasao (1,2), Younghee Kwak (1), Kidok An (3), Wonkuk Lee (3), Jongwan Kim (3); (1) Ajou University , (2) Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute , (3) National Geographic Information Institute

3-05 Radio Astronomy and VLBI Developments in Brazil (ppt, 20.5 MB)

Pierre Kaufmann , Mackenzie Presbyterian University

3-06 Footprint Observations at the Fundamental Station Wettzell (ppt, 1.27 MB)

Wolfgang Schlüter, Thomas Klügel, Christian Schade, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)

3-07 Bonn Correlator Report for Astronomy and Geodesy (ppt, 3.70 MB)

Arno Müskens , Walter Alef, Dave Graham, Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn , Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy

3-08 Washington Correlator Report (ppt, 1.72 MB)

Kerry Kingham, U.S. Naval Observatory

3-09 Network Coordinator Report (ppt, 52 KB)

Ed Himwich, NVI Inc ./ GSFC

Session 4: New Technology Developments in VLBI

4-01 DBBC – A Flexible Platform for VLBI Data Processing (ppt, 6.70 MB)

Gino Tuccari (1), Salvatore Buttaccio (1), Gaetano Nicotra (1), Ying Xiang (2), Michael Wunderlich (3); (1) IRA/INAF, (2) SHAO/CAS, (3) MPI-Bonn

4-02 FPGA Implementation in DBBC (ppt, 344 KB)

Ying Xiang (1), Gino Tuccari (2), Wenren Wei (1); (1) Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (CAS), (2) National Astrophysical Institute (IRA)

4-03 e-VLBI Developments with the K5 VLBI System (ppt, 3.43 MB)

Yasuhiro Koyama, Tetsuro Kondo, Moritaka Kimura, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Masaki Hirabaru , National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)

4-04 The Development of the Streamlined Correlation Software Using Bitset Class Library ** canceled **

Fujinobu Takahashi (1), Kazuki Yanashima (1), Yuji Yoshida (1), Tetsuro Kondo (2); (1) Yokohama National University (YNU), (2) National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

4-05 Development of a New VLBI Sampler Unit (K5/VSSP32) Equipped with a USB 2.0 Interface (ppt, 6.37 MB)

Tetsuro Kondo, Yasuhiro Koyama, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Moritaka Kimura; Kashima Space Research Center/NICT

4-06 The Mark 5B VLBI Data System (ppt, 1.46 MB)

Alan Whitney, MIT Haystack Observatory

4-07 VSI Interfaces for Legacy Systems (pdf, 1.49 MB)

Dan Smythe, MIT Haystack Observatory

4-08 Integration of the Mk5B Playback System into the Mk4 Correlator (ppt, 3.19 MB)

Roger Cappallo, MIT Haystack Observatory

4-09 e-VLBI Development Program at Haystack Observatory (ppt, 3.91 MB)

Alan Whitney, Chet Rusczcyk , MIT Haystack Observatory

Session 5: Software and Analysis Strategies

5-01 Impact of Different Tropospheric Mapping Functions on the TRF, CRF, and Position Time Series Estimated from VLBI (invited) (ppt, 13.6 MB)

Volker Tesmer (1), Johannes Böhm (2), Robert Heinkelmann (2), Harald Schuh (2); (1) Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), (2) Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna University of Technology

5-02 Interaction of Atmosphere Modeling and Analysis Strategy (ppt, 1.03 MB)

Arthur Niell, MIT Haystack Observatory

5-03 Comparison of Wet Path Delays Observed with WVR, Sun Spectrometer, Radiosondes , GPS and VLBI at Wettzell (ppt, 12.6 MB)

Wolfgang Schlüter (1); Walter Schwarz (1); Beat Bürki (2); Alexander Somieski (2); Petra Häfele (3); (1) Fundamentalstation Wettzell, (2) Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich/CH, (3) Universität der Bundeswehr, München

5-04 Linear Horizontal Gradients of Refractivity vs. 3D Raytracing (ppt, 3.33 MB)

Johannes Böhm , Harald Schuh, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna University of Technology

5-05 A Comparison of R1 and R4 IVS Networks (ppt, 1.53 MB)

Sebastien Lambert (1), Anne-Marie Gontier (2); (1) Royal Observatory of Belgium , (2) Paris Observatory

5-06 First Results from CONT05 (ppt, 644 KB)

Dan MacMillan, David Gordon, Dirk Behrend, Chopo Ma, Goddard Space Flight Center

5-07 Radiosource Instability in the Analysis of VLBI Data (invited) (ppt, 784 KB)

Daniel MacMillan, NVI, Inc ./ GSFC

5-08 The Effect of Reference Radiosource Instabilities on the TRF Solution (ppt, 1.07 MB)

Oleg Titov , Geoscience Australia

5-09 First Steps to Investigate Long-term Stability of Radio Sources in VLBI Analysis (ppt, 1.60 MB)

Gerald Engelhardt, Volkmar Thorandt, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

5-10 Correlation in VLBI Observations (ppt, 2.80 MB)

John M. Gipson, NVI, Inc ./ GSFC

Session 6: Results and Geodetic/Geophysical/ Astrometric Interpretation

6-01 VLBA Phase Referencing for Astrometric Use (invited) (ppt, 408 KB)

Edward Fomalont, National Radio Astronomy Observatory

6-02 High-frequency Earth Orientation Variations and Geodetic VLBI (invited) (ppt, 31.9 MB)

Rüdiger Haas, Chalmers University of Technology , Onsala Space Observatory

6-03 Extending the ICRF to Higher Radio Frequencies: Global Astrometric Results at 24 GHz (ppt, 5.41 MB)

C.S. Jacobs, G.E. Lanyi , C.J. Naudet, O.J. Sovers , L.D. Zhang (1); P. Charlot (2); E.B. Fomalont (3) D. Gordon, C. Ma (4); and the KQ VLBI Collaboration; (1) NASA/Caltech's JPL, (2) Bordeaux Observatory, (3) NRAO, (4) NASA/GSFC

6-04 Astrometric Suitability of ICRF Sources Based on Intrinsic VLBI Structure (ppt, 2.32 MB)

Patrick Charlot (1); Alan Fey (2); Roopesh Ojha (3); David Boboltz (2); (1) Bordeaux Observatory, (2) U. S. Naval Observatory, (3) Australia Telescope National Facility

6-05 How Compact Are Faint Radio Sources? (pdf, 1.52 MB)

Richard Porcas, MPIfR Bonn

6-06 E3 Network Results (ppt, 1.40 MB)

Anthony Searle, Mario Bérubé, Bill Petrachenko, Natural Resources Canada ( NRCan )

6-07 A Generalized Scheme to Retrieve Wet Path Delays from WVR Measurements Applied to the European Geodetic VLBI Network (pdf, 3.41 MB)

J. Cho (1,2), A. Nothnagel (2), A. L. Roy (3), R. Haas (4); (1) Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, (2) Geodetic Institute, University of Bonn, (3) Max-Plank Institute for Radio Astronomy, (4) Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology

6-08 Combination of Long Time Series of Tropospheric Parameters (ppt, 1.91 MB)

Robert Heinkelmann, Johannes Böhm , Harald Schuh; Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna University of Technology