If you are interested in participating in the pre-meeting excursion, please send an e-mail to tigo@tigo.cl by Tuesday November 8th at 17:00 EST (2200 UT). The deadline is necessary so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Antofagasta, Chile's second-largest city, will be the starting point of the pre-meeting excursion. The city is located in northern Chile about 1350 km north of Santiago (and 1880 km north of ConcepciĆ³n). The participants of the excursion should make their own travel arrangements to/from Antofagasta possibly in combination with their flight into Chile via Santiago. The planned order of events is as follows:
The one-way travel time from Antofagasta to Paranal is about 2.5 hours. The tour of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) will be 3-4 hours long. To get an impression of the Paranal site and the visit please have a look at Paranal's Visitor Information page . Note that the technical visit will be an extended tour which is not given to tourists or students. The VLT will be observing on the day of the visit. For your registration please send a message to tigo@tigo.cl (do not contact ESO directly). TIGO will make further arrangements and forward the list of interested people once it is completed.
The LOC will arrange the two nights (Friday and Saturday) at a hotel in Antofagasta as well as the bus transfer Antofagasta-Paranal-Antofagasta. The details of the excursion will be worked out when the total number of participants is known. Please contact tigo@tigo.cl for further information.
The estimated cost of the excursion per person is:
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