4th IVS Technical Operations Workshop
Class Sign-up Form

Class sign-up deadline is April 18, 2007.

Enter your name, exactly as entered for registration, then select the classes you would like to take. If you did not register, you will not be able to sign up for classes, and you need to contact the Coordinating Center .

You may re-submit this form to update your class selection, up until the deadline. Please spell your name exactly as on your original class selection so that the new information will replace the old.

Note: It may be decided that a class will not be given in the case that the overall interest for that class is too low.

Attendee Information

Last name First name (enter name exactly as registered)

Please indicate your English language ability, to help us place you in appropriate classes.
I am comfortable with speaking and understanding English. I am also fluent in and can help someone needing special assistance with English during the classes.
I have some difficulty with English, and teachers should speak slowly. But I am fluent in and can help someone needing special assistance with English during the classes.
I would like special assistance with English during the classes. I am comfortable in the following language(s):

Class Sign-Up

Instructions: Please sign up for the classes you would like to take. Give each class a priority by entering a number in the box next to the course title. Start with 1 for the highest priority, 2 for the next, etc. Values between 1 and 99 are allowed. Each priority that you enter must be a unique value, e.g. you cannot specify more than one class as priority 1. Please select all of the workshops and seminars that you are interested in attending. If you have no interest in a class then leave the priority box blank.

You may sign up for as many classes as you like on this form. There will be time for up to about 15 classes during the TOW. We will assign a class schedule to each person and make our best effort to fit you into your top priority classes.

Please refer to the course descriptions as you make your selections.

Lectures and discussion are not included in the selections because all participants will have time open for these sessions.

Your priority
(1 to 99)
Class title (click for details)
Operations Workshops (groups of 5-7, hands-on instruction)
Experiment Pre-checks and Operations (for stronger English skills)
Experiment Pre-checks and Operations (for weaker English skills)
Mark 5B Operations
Cryogenic System and Receiver Maintenance
Maintenance Workshops (groups of 10 or fewer, some hands-on, and discussion)
Mark 5 Disk Module Testing and Shipment
Automated Pointing Models Using the FS (Introductory Class)
Automated Pointing Models Using the FS (for Experienced Users)
Antenna Gain Calibration
Generating ANTAB Tsys Files (ANTABFS)
RFI Sources, Identification, Mitigation
Spectrum Analyzer Testing of Analog RF Systems
Rack Maintenance
Mark-5A and Mark-5B Software Updates, Testing, and Maintenance
New OS for Mark 5 System
General Station Troubleshooting
Seminars (special interest topics, 10 or more attendees, depending on the topic)
Correlator Theory
Correlator Operations
Introduction to Linux
Linux System Administration
Pointing and Single Dish Amplitude Calibration Theory
Timing Systems
Writing Station Specific FS Code
Topics in FS Station Software Coding
Phase Calibration Basics
Mark IV decoder
Hydrogen Maser Monitoring and Maintenance
e-VLBI Overview

Special Requests

Please enter any special requests about classes in the following space. For example, if you prefer to be in the same classes with someone please tell us about it here, or if you can attend only part of the meeting please specify when you are available, or give us any other information that will help us make the best schedule for your needs.

If you have questions or problems with this form, contact Dirk Behrend at the IVS Coordinating Center .

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Please address questions or comments to the IVS Coordinating Center
Last updated: April 6, 2007