TOW 2007: Description of Possible Courses
There are four types of possible courses for the Technical
Operations Workshop (TOW):
Operations Workshops
are hands-on sessions with a maximum of about 5 participants
each. Each member of the class will have an opportunity
to participate actively in the training.
Maintenance Workshops
are presentations to an audience of 10-20 people.
The classes will begin with instruction and demonstration, and
there may be some hands-on training. A large fraction of the time
is allowed for discussion and question/answer periods.
The subject matter includes a variety of topics.
are presentations including demonstrations
to an audience of 20-60 people, depending
on the topic. The subject matter includes a variety of
special interest topics.
are intended for a general audience. The
subject matter includes topics that we believe are of interest to
everyone, or include announcements or information that everyone
should be aware of. All attendees at the workshop will be
scheduled for the lectures.
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Operations Workshops are hands-on sessions with a maximum
of about 5-7 participants each.
Experiment Pre-checks and Operations
Prospective teachers
: Rich Strand and Mike Poirier
We will practice all of the procedures and operational tests that
should be performed before each experiment to insure that all of the
equipment is set up and working properly, starting with drudging the
schedule file and ending with pre-session e-mail to ops.
gain calibration
will be covered in separate workshops.
This class is for people who use Mark IV, VLBA, or VLBA4 racks, and
Mark 5 recorders.
The class will use the Westford Mark IV system, with appropriate
notes made about differences for other systems.
We will practice experiment operations from starting the schedule
to the post-session operational report and recovery from power
failures and other disasters that can occur during a session.
The use of the "logpl" and "plotlog" programs for plotting data
from the log during and after the experiment will be demonstrated.
This class will be held at Westford, using Mark 5 recorders.
Mark 5B Operations
Prospective teacher
: Dan Smythe
The pre-checks and operation of the Mark 5B system, both in standalone mode and operating
with the Field System, will be described. The basic commands required
to record, play and check data will be described and demonstrated.
Disk-module management at the station will be covered, as well
as the normal tests that verify proper Mark 5B operation. Several
Mark 5B systems and Field Systems will be available for hands-on
use by participants. Mark 5A operations will be covered as part
of the
Experiment Pre-checks and Operations
Cryogenic System and Receiver Maintenance
Prospective Teacher
: Jay Redmond
This workshop will address cryogenic system and receiver maintenance from the
operational perspective. The goal is to improve system reliability, reduce
downtime, and lower operational cost. Workshop participants will receive
helpful hints for recovery from vacuum failures, contaminated helium systems,
and the use of standardized maintenance procedures with some common pitfalls
identified. General cryogenic "Do's and Don'ts" will be discussed. This
session will not address the theory of cryogenics or the internal workings
of a dewar.
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Maintenance workshops are presentations or demonstrations
to an audience of 10 or fewer people, with discussion and questions.
There may be some hands-on training.
Mark 5 Disk Module Testing and Shipment
Prospective teachers
: Dave Fields and Don Sousa
The first part of this workshop will lead participants through the testing
and conditioning of Mark 5 disk modules. Topics will include the erasing and
conditioning of a module, guidelines for mechanical inspection, and repair of
detected mechanical damage. The second part will deal with preparing the
modules for shipment, including labelling techniques and customs procedures.
Automated Pointing Models Using the FS
Prospective teacher
: Ed Himwich
This course will cover basic support for pointing
measurements in the Field System. It will also include a demonstration of the
"pdplt" program for analyzing pointing data. It will describe basic
principles for configuring the mdlpo.ctl and ctlpo.ctl files
that control the automated pointing data acquisition and delogging processes.
Gain calibration will be covered in a separate workshop.
Antenna Gain Calibration
Prospective teacher
: Alastair Gunn and Andrea Orlati
This course covers using ONOFF and GNPLT. Instruction will be given on the
preparation and execution of ONOFF for the automatic acquisition of amplitude
calibration data. Attendees will learn about the necessary procedure files,
methods of measuring noise diode temperature and gain curves, and the
interpretation of the resulting log files. The course will provide basic
instruction on analyzing gain calibration data with GNPLT. Typical tasks
(such as calibration of Tcal and gain curves) will be described step-by-step,
a general discussion about GNPLT data analysis capabilities will also be held.
Some time will be reserved to include the possibility of giving feedback and
requesting improvements in the features of the gain calibration tools.
Generating ANTAB Tsys Files (ANTABFS)
Prospective teacher
: Cormac Reynolds
ANTABFS is used at astronomy stations to format Tsys data for use in analysis.
Currently, this is not used for geodesy, but will be eventually. This course
does not need to be attended by students from geodesy only stations.
This class will describe use of the ANTABFS suite of scripts for producing
well-calibrated and formatted system temperature and gain curve tables,
suitable for use in the common data analysis packages. It will include some
explanation of how the information is obtained and why good quality amplitude
calibration is important; and some examples of typical errors will be
presented. There will be a live demonstration of the scripts.
RFI Sources, Identification, Mitigation
Prospective teacher
: Brian Corey
This workshop will discuss sources of interference that might affect
VLBI observations. Particular emphasis will be placed on the
levels and types of RFI that are most harmful to experiments. Also
discussed will be techniques to identify RFI and (the limited range
of) techniques to deal with it.
Spectrum Analyzer Testing of Analog RF Systems
Prospective teacher
: Brian Corey
This course will review the fundamentals of measuring a
power spectrum with an analog RF or FFT-based spectrum analyzer.
Applications to VLBI system testing and trouble-shooting will be
discussed and demonstrated, with a particular emphasis on phase noise
and modulation in LO and phase calibration systems. The detection of
spurious phase cal signals with a spectrum analyzer will also be treated,
along with the diagnosis and cure of such signals.
Rack Maintenance
Prospective teacher
: Tom Buretta
This workshop will cover checkout and maintenance aspects of
the VLBI electronic racks. Areas to be covered include formatter
checkout, VC/BBC performance, and IF distributor checkout.
Mark 5A Software Updates, Upgrades and Maintenance
Prospective teacher
: John Ball
Software maintenance for Mark-5A systems is an on-going task to be conducted
at each station. This workshop will describe and demonstrate the procedures
for updating the Mark-5A software, for checking and testing the result, and
for operating the Mark5A in a stand-alone mode, that is without a Field
System or a correlator. Tutorials will be offered for participants to follow,
and Mark-5A systems will be available for hands-on use.
New OS for Mark 5 System
Prospective teacher
: Chet Ruszczyk
The Mark 5 VLBI and eVLBI community needs a stable and up-to-date OS
to help continue the development of technologies and maintain a secure
environment. After considerable investigation, we have selected a
Debian-based distribution as the new OS and will explain the deployment
and upgrade for current Mark 5 systems out in the community. Moving the
Mark 5 to a Debian-based OS will make the Mark 5 more similar to FS,
which is also Debian based. The reasons for moving to the new OS will
be explained, as well as the details of making the changeover and the
differences that will be encountered.
General Station Troubleshooting
Prospective teachers
: Ed Himwich and Brian Corey
This course is intended to provide a description of the tests that stations should
periodically perform to evaluate the performance of their station. These checks are more
advanced than the ones covered in the
Experiments Pre-checks and
course, but most are covered in more detail in other courses. This course
works through the list of checks, explains the reasons for the tests, provides some tips
on performing them, how to use scripts for automating and analyzing measurements, and a
chance to ask questions about them. In order to have a full grounding in this material it
is recommended that anyone signing up for this course should also take some other courses
unless they are already familiar with the material in these courses. The recommend other
courses are:
RFI Sources, Identification, Mitigation
Calibration Basics
, and
Spectrum Analyzer Testing of Analog RF
. Some additional material on troubleshooting not covered in other courses
will be presented here.
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Seminars are presentations including demonstrations
to an audience of 10 or more people, depending on the topic.
Introduction to the K5 System
Prospective teacher
: Yasuhiro Koyama
This lecture will describe the K5 system being developed in Japan.
The entire data acquisition functions and correlator functions can
be performed on a common PC system running on Linux or FreeBSD.
The K5 system is now regularly used at IVS stations in Japan and
at Syowa station in Antarctica. Actual data acquisition and some
post-observation data checks will be demonstrated.
Correlator Theory
Prospective teacher
: Kerry Kingham
This seminar covers the theory behind correlation, with particular emphasis
on the Mark4 Correlators. How the correlator works, what it does and what
calibrations are applied. The most common problems and their solutions are
covered. A description of what the correlator can diagnose for a station and
what to look for in the correlator reports. The companion seminar
Correlator Operations
covers the practical details
of correlator procedures.
Correlator Operations
Prospective teacher
: Mike Titus
This seminar picks up where its companion seminar
leaves off. It covers the coordination of observations, the logistics
of media distribution, the set up of correlation, the analysis of results and
the feedback to stations. Particular emphasis will be on correlator-station
communication from the station reports and logs to correlator feedback.
Representatives from the correlators will be available for discussions and
advice on issues regarding your station.
Intro to Linux
Prospective teachers
: Jonathan Quick
This course will cover the basics of using Linux (or any UNIX system) for
day-to-day housekeeping operations.
Linux System Administration
Prospective teachers
: Jonathan Quick
This course will cover system configuration and management issues outside
the normal course of experiment operations. The "fsadapt" program which
can be used to simplify many of these tasks will be described.
Pointing and Single Dish Amplitude Calibration Theory
Prospective teachers
: Cormac Reynolds and Alastair Gunn
In this course students will learn why accurate pointing corrections
must be known for all parts of the sky to be observed, and how pointing
errors affect geodetic and astronomical results. Students will
learn how SEFD and system temperature measurements are related,
how to check the focus, how to make SEFD
measurements, how to measure a gain curve, which sources are best
for the SEFD measurements, how weather can affect the measurements
and results, and how the SEFD measurements are used for data
analysis and scheduling. We will also discuss measurement
equipment and how it may affect the results if care is not taken.
Timing Systems
Prospective teachers
: Tom Clark and Rick Hambly
This presentation will discuss all the reasons for needing high-accuracy
time and frequency in VLBI. This will include a discussion of all the
"clocks" used in VLBI (Hydrogen Masers, GPS timing clocks, the
clocks inside the Field System computer and the clock information
needed by the correlators) and how they need to be tied together in
order to guarantee successful VLBI measurements.
Writing Station Specific FS Code
Prospective teacher
: Ed Himwich
This course will cover useful information about how to implement station
specific code to work with the FS. This includes the programs "antcn"
and "stqkr" primarily, but also "cheks", "sterp" and also how to add
station-specific help pages. We intend to provide only one level of
instruction for this topic. It will combine "beginning", "intermediate",
and "advanced" topics, but perhaps lean towards "beginning" and
"intermediate". There should be time to deal with some detailed problems
at all levels. You should have some experience with FORTRAN and C if you
sign up for this section. A separate ad hoc section for discussing
implementation of specific features at audience request is also
available as "Topics in FS station software coding".`
Topics in FS Station Software Coding
Prospective teacher
: Ed Himwich
This session will be organized as a group discussion/demonstration. It
will provide an opportunity for people to present questions they have
about implementing specific station features and to get advice on how to
do it. A separate lecture covering more of the basics of station
software coding is covered in the "Writing station specific FS code"
Phase Calibration Basics
Prospective teacher
: Brian Corey
The phase calibration system is the primary means for ensuring that
instrumental effects in the receiver and VLBI terminal do not corrupt
the group delay measurements. This course will cover the basic concepts
and hardware implementation of the calibration system, including the
Mark IV cable measurement system. The nature and causes of spurious
signals, which can degrade the calibration accuracy, will be described.
Mark IV Decoder
Prospective teacher
: Roger Cappallo
The Mark IV decoder is a useful diagnostic instrument in
Mark IV and VLBA4 systems. In this workshop the basic architecture,
functions, and operation of the decoder will be described, and its
capabilities in measuring recorder parity error rates and phase cal
signal amplitude and phase will be demonstrated. The feature set
of the current firmware revision will be discussed, as well as potential
future enhancements.
Hydrogen Maser Monitoring and Maintenance
Prospective teacher
: Irv Diegel
The intent of this presentation is to provide VLBI
personnel with an overview of the hydrogen maser and its use in VLBI.
The discussion will be generic so as to accommodate the different types
of masers used throughout the VLBI network. Topics will include block
diagram analysis of the physics and electronics systems as well as
generalized operational procedures.
e-VLBI Overview
Prospective teacher
: Chet Ruszczyk
The transmission of VLBI data via high-speed networks, dubbed 'e-VLBI',
is developing rapidly. This seminar will explain the basics of e-VLBI.
Topics covered will include general topics such as the advantages of
e-VLBI and types of networks. But also more detailed questions such as
how to extract data files from the Mark 5 system for e-VLBI operations
will be discussed.
Software Correlation
Prospective teacher
: Yasuhiro Koyama
This seminar will explain how to perform software correlation by
using the K5 software correlation program suite. The actual correlation
process will be demonstrated step by step with observed
data sets. These steps include a-priori parameter calculation,
fringe search, visualization of processed data, and distributed
software correlation for mass processing.
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Lectures are intended for a general audience.
All attendees at the workshop are welcome to attend the lectures.
How VLBI Works
Prospective teacher
: Tom Clark
This lecture will describe the VLBI technique from scheduling to data
capture, to correlation and to analysis. It will cover the basic concept,
observation equations, and some applications.
Mark 5 System Overview
Prospective teacher
: Alan Whitney
The Mark 5 system will be described at the block diagram level
to give users a basic understanding of the internal workings of the system.
The capabilities will be described in some detail, including strategies
to deal with bad or failing disks. A short discussion of additional
capabilities under development will also be presented.
The information presented in this seminar will lay the groundwork
for the Mark 5 workshops to follow.
Impact of Operations on Data Analysis
Prospective teacher
: Ed Himwich
This course will describe the effect on geodetic data analysis of
various problems during data acquisition. Problems such as clock
breaks, bad tracks, parity errors, pointing errors, warm receivers,
and late starts will be covered.
Science Overview
Prospective teacher
: Chopo Ma
An overview of the scientific goals of geodetic and astrometric
programs will be presented. Particular emphasis will be placed on
reference frames which are the fundamental products of VLBI.
IVS Observing Program
Prospective teacher
: Dirk Behrend
This lecture will describe the IVS Observing Program. We will start with
the 5 year goals staked out by the IVS Working Group 2, then we will
describe the implementation of the program as well as its evolution over
time. Some emphasis will be put on the station observing time, correlator,
and analysis requirements to meet the IVS product delivery goals.
Field System Near Term Future Plans
Prospective teacher
: Ed Himwich
This presentation will cover the immediate and long-term plans for
Field System development. The ongoing collaboration and cooperation on
the Field System among various groups will be described.
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Further information:
IVS Coordinating Center
Last updated: February 12, 2007