IVS 2000 General Meeting Proceedings
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IVS Annual Report Template, Guidelines and LaTeX Examples

Karen Baver(2), Nancy Vandenberg(1)

(1)NVI, Inc./GSFC; (2)Raytheon ITSS/GSFC


This document demonstrates LaTeX examples and provides general guidelines for creating an IVS component's Annual Report submission. This document's source (tex) file may be used as a rough template for a submission.

To use this document for guidelines and examples, read section 1 for suggestions about what the body of your report should contain. Then read section 2 for LaTeX examples and hints, referring to the tex file for more detailed explanations. Section 2 is geared towards authors who do not have time to learn LaTeX in detail and need a quick guide. IVS authors with advanced LaTeX skills will already know the information in section 2 , but the IVS Coordinating Center requests that advanced authors please look at the examples and follow them, even if more advanced LaTeX techniques are available. Advanced, non-standard techniques (especially ones requiring user-defined commands) may cause processing problems, including style discrepancies which must be resolved before publication. All authors are also strongly requested to please read section 3 for some caveats and for some requests from the Coordinating Center for the use of LaTeX techniques that will let the Coordinating Center produce the Annual Report more efficiently while retaining as much as possible the authors' desired formats for tables and figures.

To use the tex file as a template, read the comments (lines starting with %) in the header, abstract and bibliography, then substitute values for your component's report. Then substitute the body of your report for the sections between the abstract and the bibliography.

1. What to Do

This section suggests general guidelines for the contents of a component's report. Components are welcome to modify this as they need.

Section 1
Please provide general information about your component such as its location, its sponsoring agency and what type of contribution you are making to IVS. If you have a photograph of your antenna, correlator, analysis center, etc. you should include it.
Section 2
Please provide a technical/scientific description of your component: for example, parameters of your antenna, capabilities of your correlator, types of analysis solutions that you do, technology developments in progress, etc.
Section 3
Please provide a list of your staff members who are contributing to IVS, provide some information about them and indicate what each person is working on.
Section 4
Please provide information about the current status and activities of your component during the reporting period, such as operational support, milestones reached, analysis performed or ongoing projects. Please describe any significant changes compared to the previous year's report, such as staffing changes, new equipment, changes in methods, new types of results or a change in your activity level. You do not need to repeat information already provided in the previous year's report.
Section 5
Please describe your plans for the coming year: scheduled operations, planned activities, maintenance, upgrades, new equipment, new staff, new software development or algorithms, new hardware arriving, etc.

2. How to Do it

The rest of this document shows examples of LaTeX commands and environments and gives guidelines for using LaTeX. General guidelines are given as text and will appear in the output of this report. Explanations of individual commands are given as comments in the tex file and will not be visible in the output. The examples in section 2 are a combination of real and modified examples from the IVS 2000 Annual Report and fictional examples.

2.1 Figures and Tables

LaTeX's positioning of figures and tables can be complicated. Authors can suggest where they want a figure or table to be placed, but LaTeX will choose the final location based on its internal rules for the best arrangement of figures, tables and text. The best approach is to finalize the text, then experiment with the figures and tables by moving the .tex source lines specifying the figures and tables to different points, by using different location arguments for the \begin{figure} and \begin{table} environments and by resizing and clipping (cropping) the figures. One or more of the following location arguments must be placed in brackets ( [ ] ) in the \begin{figure}[] and \begin{table}[] environments:

The LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual [ 14 ] gives a full explanation of how multiple arguments interact. Also see the comments and examples in this document's tex file.

2.1.1 Figures

Only encapsulated postscript figures should be submitted to guarantee that the figures can be resized and clipped (cropped) as necessary.

There are two recommended commands for inserting figures into a report, the \ epsfig and \ epsffile commands. Figure 1 , from the Wettzell Network Station report [ 10 ], demonstrates the \ epsfig command, including sizing. Figure 2 , from the IEEC Technology Development Center's report [ 13 ], demonstrates the \ epsffile command, including clipping (cropping) and sizing.

Figure 1: Use of the epsfig command , Wettzell 20m Radiotelescope, [ 10 ].
\epsfig {file=fig-nswett.ps,height=6.5cm}\end{center}\end{figure}

Figure 2: Use of the epsffile command (including clipping and resizing) , Time Series of Topocentric Site Movements for Robledo, [ 13 ].
\begin{center}% Environment to center the figure.
\parbox {8.5...
... 8.5 cm.\epsffile[84 122 525 695]{fig-tdieec.ps}
} \end{center}

Two figures may be placed side-by-side using two minipage environments to position the figures, as shown in figure 3 , an example from the Onsala Network Station report [ 8 ].

Figure 3: Side-by-side figures , [ 8 ].
=8.1cm \epsffile [48 185 580 585] {fig-nsonsa01.ps} $\textstyle \parbox{7.5cm}{\vspace*{2mm}{\small{EURO54 parity errors.
The colour...
...0 to 10000 parts per
million (ppm), values below 600 ppm are shown in white.}}}$
=8.1cm \epsffile [48 185 580 585] {fig-nsonsa02.ps} $\textstyle \parbox{7.5cm}{\vspace*{2mm}{\small{CORE3005 parity errors.
The colo...
...0 to 10000 parts per
million (ppm), values below 600 ppm are shown in white.}}}$

Text may also be placed beside a picture as shown in figure 4 , an example from the Svetloe Network Station report [ 9 ].

Figure 4: Figure and adjacent text , [ 9 ]
\begin{figure}%Figure should be placed ''here'' or at the top of a page.\parbo...
...ST is permanently installed
on the 101 mark (12350M001, SVTL). \\

2.1.2 Tables

Table 1 shows the only table format that translates accurately into HTML and the web version of the Annual Report. Latex2html, the utility used to prepare the web version, adds horizontal and vertical lines to all table entries, and it treats some blank areas as three-dimensional, so the other tables will be modified. Some of the modifications can be minimized by creating LaTeX-only and HTML-only portions of the tables (particularly, portions that need to suppress horizontal lines), as described in sub-section 2.6 and demonstrated later in this section. Still, only table 1 will look the same in both the printed and web versions of the report. On the other hand, table 1 will not visually group data as well as the other examples will in the published version of the Annual Report. Authors should read section 3 to decide which table types to use.

Table 1: HTML Compatible Table
IVS Component Type Number in 2000
Analysis Centers 20
Correlators 6
Network Stations 30
Operation Centers 3

Table 2 from the Fortaleza Network Station report [ 6 ] shows a table with horizontal lines but no vertical lines.

Table 2: Number of Geodetic VLBI Sessions in which Fortaleza has Observed, [ 6 ]
Experiment Number of Sessions
CRF 01

Table 3 is part of a table from the HartRAO Network Station report [ 7 ]. This table shows another format which uses vertical lines and occasional horizontal lines to section off related data.

Table 3: Partial list of technical parameters of the radio telescope of HartRAO for geodetic VLBI, [ 7 ].
Parameter HartRAO-VLBI
(standard $\nu=8.580GHz,
\lambda=0.0349m$ )
Point source
3 dB beamwidth
$65 \,K$
$1500 \,Jy$
$17.1 \, Jy/K$

Table 4 (from the CORE Operation Center report [ 11 ]) demonstrates blank fields (in the line starting 1-Jan-2001) and columns with a specified width. If the data in a field will not fit within the column width, the table entry is automatically expanded vertically and the line wraps around. (Note the line starting with 1-Feb-2000.)

Table 4: Planned CORE Evolution, [ 11 ]
Start Date Experiment Name Avg Days per Week Notes
1-Feb-2000 CORE-A monthly 2.0 Mark IV Correlator efficiency $<$ Mark III Correlator
1-Jul-2000 CORE-3 monthly 2.0 Discontinued CORE-A
1-Jan-2001 CORE-1 monthly 2.4

Table 5 , part of a table from the Shanghai Observatory Analysis Center's report [ 2 ], demonstrates techniques for redefining the number of fields in a specific line. This is a useful formatting tool. For example, in table 5 , redefining three of the header line's middle fields as one field lets the two word heading ``Angular velocity'' be centered nicely over the latitude, longitude and $\omega$ columns.

Table 5: Angular motion between Eurasia and North America plates, [ 2 ]
(This table is based on a table from the Shanghai Observatory Analysis Center report)
Angular velocity Pole error ellipse


$^{\circ}$ N
$^{\circ}$ E
$^{\circ}$ /Myr
$^{\circ}$ $A$
N $^{\circ}$ E
DeMets et al., 1994 NUVEL1A 62.4 135.8 0.21 $\pm$ 0.01
4.1 1.3 $-$ 11 Cook et al., 1986 Earthquake 71.2 132.0
Argus & Heflin, 1995 GPS 78.5 122.0 0.23 $\pm$ 0.03
4.1 2.4 $-$ 8

$\sigma_{max}$ , $\sigma_{min}$ : major and minor semiaxes of the $1\sigma$ error ellipse.

Table 6 , part of a table from the IVS Analysis Coordinator's report [ 5 ], shows a similar example to the Shanghai Observatory Analysis Center's table, but the Coordinator's table includes vertical lines by placing $\vert$ 's in the tabular environment.

Table 6: Current average statistics, [ 5 ]
$x_{p}$ $y_{p}$ $UT1-UTC$ $d\psi\sin\epsilon_{0}$ $d\epsilon$

$[\mu as]$
$[\mu as]$
$[\mu as]$
$[\mu as]$
$[\mu s]$
$[\mu s]$
$[\mu as]$
$[\mu as]$
$[\mu as]$
$[\mu as]$

BKG -109 56 20 62 18 3 -26 43 -1 36 IAA 87 77 -133 75 -6 3 -8 51 -9 44 SPBU 42 73 -147 72 -15 3 28 47 -3 37

2.2 Lists and other Formatting

The following embedded lists (which list part of a Solve batch control file's syntax) demonstrate how to form lists preceded by a large dot ( \ itemize), numbers ( \ enumerate) or arbitrary text in bold type ( \ description):

  1. $SETUP section
    • SOLUTION keyword
      forward pass only (creates CGM)
      back pass only (uses CGM for solution)
      forward, then back pass
    • CGM keyword
    • ARC_FILES keyword
  2. $FLAGS section
  3. $OUTPUT section

A centered line is done via the center environment:

Example of a centered line

The remaining part of this sub-section is an example from the Paris Observatory Data Center's report [ 4 ]. It uses the \ verbatim environment, which preserves the positioning of the input text (but produces a non-proportioned ``typewriter'' font).

   ivscontrol/      : provides the control files needed by the data center
                      (session code, station code, solution code...)
   ivsdata/         : provides files related to the observations:     
     aux/           :   auxilliary files (schedule, log...) 
     db/            :   observation files in data-base CALC format
     ngs/           :   observation files in NGS format
     sinex/         :   observation files in SINEX format

2.3 Equations and In-line Math

The reports from the Analysis Coordinator [ 5 ], the Shanghai Observatory Analysis Center [ 2 ] and the Matera CGS VLBI Analysis Center [ 1 ] show excellent examples of equations and in-line math, and readers should compare these reports' tex files (available on the IVS web site, as described in section 4 ) to the output reports in the paper copy of the Annual Report. Two sample equations are included here.

The first equation is from the Analysis Coordinator's Report [ 5 ], and the second is from the Shanghai Observatory Analysis Center's Report [ 2 ]. Note that LaTeX has the ability to number equations in order, in parentheses at the right margin. The \ displaymath and \ equation environments respectively suppress and produce numbering for individual equations.

wrms_{i,d\psi\sin\epsilon_{0}} =

...( \begin{array}{c}
\end{array} \right)_{VLBI}
\end{displaymath} (1)

2.4 References, Citations and Footnotes

References provide an easy way to identify figures in a report's text without referring to the figures' titles or explicitly assigning figure numbers that must change as figures are added or rearranged. LaTeX automatically assigns numbers to a report's figures in order (automatically changing the numbers if you insert or remove a figure). To provide a stable way to refer to the figure, LaTeX lets the user assign an arbitrary tag to the figure (by inserting a \ label command within the figure environment, e.g., \ label{reference-tag}) and refer to that tag in the text (using the \ ref command, e.g., \ ref{reference-tag}). When LaTeX prints the report, it finds the tag in its internal lists and substitutes the current figure number in the text. As an example, figure 1 in this report displays a typical radio antenna. For this feature to work properly, the user should only create captions through the \ caption command, which numbers the figures according to the internal list that will correspond to the tags. Please note that it will take at least two LaTeX runs to fully generate the list of references.

The \ label and \ ref commands may also be used for tables and sections.

Citations access bibliography entries in the same way. A tag is assigned to a bibliography entry by placing the \ bibitem command (e.g., \ bibitem{citation-tag}) within a bibliography entry. The tag is referenced within the report text with the \ cite command (e.g., \ cite{citation-tag}). As an example, as of the publication of the IVS 2000 Annual Report, the only established real-time VLBI correlation system is the KSP correlator in Japan [ 3 ].

Footnotes are created by the \ footnote command. A footnote is used within this paragraph as an example. A wider selection [*] of tex examples (for footnotes and other features) is available on the IVS web page. (See section 4 for the address of the IVS web page.)

2.5 Special Symbols, Fonts and Accents

This section demonstrates how to make some special symbols, fonts and accents.

VLBI has been observed @ places such as Green Bank since the 1970s. Some other sites have been Onsala60, Wettzell & Tsukuba's 32-m antenna. Now VLBI is a part of IVS, a truly international effort. (For example, a team of six from Europe and the US formed Team China #2 in April, 2000.) [And there are many other examples.] {The board of directors itself comprises people from many countries.}

IVS technology is impressive and continues to improve in efficiency, quality and cost-effectiveness. For example, the cost of recording media for the S3 VLBI data record/playback system is expected to be $150 (US) per hour at a data rate of 1024 Mbit/sec (1 Gbit/sec) [ 12 ]. The high quality of IVS analysis leads to such useful measurements as that of secular polar motion (2.74 $\pm$ 0.01 mas/yr towards 83.9 $\pm$ 0.3 $^{\circ}$ W longitude, when a low-pass filter is applied) ([ 2 ]). The $\sim$ 40 IVS Network Stations, Operation Centers, Correlators and Data Centers also have _very_ impressive accomplishments. Interested in more details? Then please read the IVS 2000 Annual Report!

The preferred way to place text in quotes for the Annual Report is either `single quoting' or ``double quoting''. (Please note the different symbols used to start and end the quote.)

Some useful fonts are: bold face , italics and typewriter .

IVS has sites all over the world; therefore reports may need to use accents. Some examples of accents are: Hønefoss, the Centro de Rádio Astronomia e Aplicações Espaciais and the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie located at Karl-Rothe-Straße 10-14.

2.6 LaTeX-only and HTML-only code

Authors might want to include LaTeX code which is only activated by Latex2html, the utility that will produce the HTML version of the Annual Report for the web. For example, a report could notify readers of a web site, but only in the web version. To designate LaTeX code for HTML only, the code should be preceded by \html{ and terminated with } . The use of the \ htmlonly environment is not recommended, because it will not work with table entries, and it is not guaranteed to work with the IVS Coordinating Center's version of Latex2html.

Authors might similarly want to include LaTeX code that is only activated by LaTeX and included in the printed version of the Annual Report. Theoretically there are a few ways to do this, but the way that works under the Coordinating Center's version of LaTeX and Latex2html is preceding and following the code with comment lines consisting of the phrases begin{latexonly} and end{latexonly} .

Use of these features requires the use of the html package through the \usepackage{html} command.

3. Caveats

3.1 Caveats about Figures

All authors are requested to please convert all figures to encapsulated postscript format if at all possible. This format produces a single page, scalable image, which is easier and faster to manipulate if the IVS Coordinating Center must clip (crop) or resize the figure.

3.2 Caveats about Tables and Figures under HTML

The Annual Report will be published on paper and posted on the web. The postscript version of this document gives a good representation of how the examples will look in the paper publication. But although most of the examples translate well to HTML, tables do not. The IVS Coordinating Center uses Latex2html to generate the HTML version, and Latex2html adds horizontal and vertical lines between table entries and also makes some blank areas three dimensional. Some of the discrepancies can be minimized by creating LaTeX only and HTML only versions of the table, especially in areas where horizontal lines should be suppressed. Sub-section 2.6 explains the general creation of LaTeX only and HTML only code, and sub-section 2.1.2 shows specific examples. Still, there will be some discrepancies between the published and web versions of most tables. Of the examples in this document, only table 1 will look the same under HTML as it does under postscript or on paper. On the other hand, table 1 will not visually group data as well as the other tables will in the paper publication.

If possible, the Coordinating Center plans to try to produce an HTML version that will duplicate the tables in the published version, by manually editing the HTML output. But the Coordinating Center cannot guarantee this, due to resource limitations. So authors must decide whether they prefer the simpler but more consistent format of table 1 or the more sophisticated but possibly mis-translated formats of the other tables.

A second problem is that Latex2html does not support placing figures side by side, and the output HTML files must be edited to achieve this. Without editing, figures are placed one after another. Again, the Coordinating Center will try to reproduce side by side figures, but this is not guaranteed.

3.3 Caveats about Fonts, Classes and Styles

Authors are requested to please refrain from changing the font sizes in their submissions. The IVS Coordinating Center needs to make all reports look uniform in the paper publication.

Authors are also urged to please use the ivs2e class instead of the older ivs style. The ivs style produces faint, blurred fonts in some tables that include mathematical expressions.

4. Other Resources

Examples of tex files actually used in previous annual reports are available on the IVS web page. From this page, click on any Annual Report link (e.g., 2000 Annual Report) under the publications list. Then click on the Other Formats link at the top of the page. Next click on the Source Files link. This will list tex files that can be copied to your home directory when you click on their links.

Comprehensive and in-depth LaTeX information and examples are available in the LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual [ 14 ] by Leslie Lamport.

Finally, please feel free to contact Karen Baver (kdb@leo.gsfc.nasa.gov) if you need additional help or have needs that are not addressed by this sample file.

5. Acknowledgements

This document could not have been prepared without the many IVS LaTeX experts whose IVS 2000 Annual Report submissions provided either actual examples for this document or LaTeX usages which the authors used to improve the content and formatting of this document. The authors wish to thank everyone whose LaTeX knowledge contributed to this document.


Lanotte, R., G. Bianco, Matera CGS VLBI Analysis Center, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 207-209, 2001.

Li, J., G. Wang, Analysis Center Report from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory for 1999.03--2000.12, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 249-252, 2001.

Sekido, M., H. Kiuchi, Y. Koyama, KSP-VLBI Correlation Center Report, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 173-175, 2001.

Essaïfi, N., Paris Observatory (OPAR) Data Center, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 194-196, 2001.

Nothnagel, A., C. Steinforth, Analysis Coordinator Report, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 55-64, 2001.

Kaufmann, P., A. Macílio Pereira de Lucena, C. Tateyama, 2000 Activities Report of Fortaleza Station, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 77, 2001.

Combrinck, L., Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO), In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 84-87, 2001.

Haas, R., G. Elgered, S. Bergstrand,L. Gradinarsky, B. Stoew, K.-Å. Johansson, The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 113-116, 2001.

Smolentsev, S., D. Ivanov, Z. Malkin, Svetloe Radio Astronomical Observatory, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 123-126, 2001.

Kilger, R., E. Bauernfeind, G. Kronschnabl, R. Schatz, W. Schwarz, R. Zeitlhöfler, R. Zernecke, Station Report of the 20m Radiotelescope at Wettzell, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 145-148, 2001.

Thomas, C., CORE Operation Center Report, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 159-162, 2001.

Cannon, W., C. Klatt, Canadian VLBI Technology Development Center, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 259-262, 2001.

Behrend, D., A. Rius, Technology Development at IEEC, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2000 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2001-209979, N. R. Vandenberg and K. D. Baver (eds.), 279-282, 2001.

Lamport, Leslie, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System (User's Guide and Reference Manual), Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1994.


... selection [*]
There are 73 examples on the IVS 2000 Annual Report web page.

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IVS 2000 General Meeting Proceedings