Mailing Lists

The IVS mailing lists are part of the NASA-wide Agency Mailing List Service (AMLS). In May 2021, AMLS was migrated to a new host organization as well as upgraded to the newest list manager. For the migration all membership information and list options were rolled over from the old to the new lists. The mailing list names did not change.

At its new home, the general public (i.e., non-NASA users) is no longer able to access the web interface, including the list archives. All subscription requests are handled via email either directly to the list or to the list manager. In order to subscribe and unsubscribe send a message to and , respectively. The subscription request has to be approved by the list manager. The list manager(s) can be reached directly via . For instance, to subscribe to IVSmail, send a message to (no subject or text in the body is required). To unsubscribe from IVS-stations, send a message to .

List name Description Status
IVSmail IVS general mail active
ivscc Non-urgent messages to the IVS Coordinating Center active
IVS-analysis IVS analysis topics active
IVS-assoc IVS Associate Members active
IVS-corr IVS correlator topics active
IVS-corresp IVS Corresponding Members active
IVS-db IVS Directing Board active
IVS-ff IVS frequency friends active
IVS-gm2018pc IVS General Meeting 2018 Program Committee closed
IVS-gm2018reg Participants of the IVS General Meeting 2018 closed
IVS-media Messages of the IVS Media Group active
IVS-opc IVS Observing Program Committee active
IVS-ops IVS operations active
IVS-rdv RDV sessions active
IVS-sked VLBI scheduling program sked active
IVS-stations Geodetic VLBI stations active
IVS-urgent Urgent messages to the IVS Coordinating Center active
IVS-vpeg IVS VGOS Project Executive Group inactive
IVS-vtc IVS VGOS Technical Committee active
IVS-vgos-ops IVS VGOS operations closed
IVS-vgos-tech VGOS Operations and Resources group active
ggos-wg-hfeop IAG/GGOS/IERS Working Group on High Frequency EOP active
VLBI-field-system VLBI Field System active

Previous change (Sep 2017). The IVS mailing lists have been migrated from the GSFC VLBI Group local server to a NASA-wide service (AMLS, Agency Mailing List Service) in September 2017. In the migration step the membership subscriptions were carried over and non-active lists have been discontinued. The currently used lists are summarized in the table below.