Proceedings of the Fourth IVS General Meeting
Instructions for Preparation and Submission of Papers
Due Date
Who should submit
Submission Format
File Names
Final Submission
View Papers
Due Date.
Papers are due by
February 10, 2006
We plan to have the publication distributed by early May, 2006. Please help us to achieve
this goal by adhering to the deadline.
Who should submit?
Papers are requested for the
proceedings from all authors
from authors presenting reports on their
IVS components. IVS component reports should be submitted as part of the
call for the IVS 2005 Annual Report
The proceedings will be published as a
NASA Conference Publication. The reference should be cited as follows:
IVS 2006 General Meeting
, edited by D. Behrend and K. D. Baver, NASA/CP-2006-xxxxxx. (Note: The publication
number 'xxxxxx' will be available by late December 2005.)
Submission format.
Please use the following
guidelines in preparing your paper.
Paper Length
. In order to keep the length of the published book to a reasonable size,
page limits for papers are:
Maximum 5 pages for contributed papers (oral and poster).
Maximum 10 pages for invited papers.
Basic Format
. The required format for papers is LaTeX.
. Your tex file must reference either the
IVS style file (LaTeX 2.09)
or the
IVS class file (LaTeX2e)
. The
newer ivs2e class is recommended. One reason is that the ivs style produces faint, blurred mathematical
expressions in tables. Please download the current version of the class file (LaTex2e), if you
are unsure if it is up-to-date. You will also need to use the
figure style file
to include figures in your paper.
Font Size
. Please do not change your paper's font size by adding [10pt] or [12pt]
to \documentclass{ivs2e}. Non-standard fonts will be removed by the Coordinating Center to
produce a consistent look in the published proceedings.
Image Files.
Graphics should be in
PostScript format. The Coordinating Center will
try to accomodate images in other formats, but results cannot be guaranteed, because non-encapsulated
formats are not easily scaled or manipulated within LaTeX.
The web version of the Proceedings will be in color, but the printed version will be in black
and white. So color coded quantities on plots should also be represented by some other
scheme (e.g., symbol shape or size, dotted vs. straight lines). Please also refer to both
coding schemes in the plots' captions (e.g., "The red (dotted) line shows the sigmas.").
Please be aware that most table formats do not translate precisely to HTML. More
details are available later in this list, under
Example File
Example File
. There is an example .tex file,
whose content offers basic LaTeX examples and information and discusses caveats, such as
discrepancies between tables in a printed version and under HTML. Authors may download and view the
PostScript output
HTML version
to read the contents and to see how the
example file would look in the printed publication and web copies. Authors may also read
comments in the tex file to get more detailed information about the LaTeX commands used in
the example file, and authors should use the tex file as a template for their papers. The General
Meeting Proceedings example file is analogous to the Annual Report example file available from the
web page that calls for Annual Report submissions, and the LaTeX examples from either example file
are valid. But each example file uses different keywords geared toward its specific report type,
so authors who want a Proceedings template file should only use the General Meeting Proceedings
example file as a template.
File names.
Please name your LaTeX source file and PostScript
image files according to the following conventions for compatibility with the proceedings
processing scripts and procedures.
File type
LaTeX source
is a number indicating the order
of your multiple papers in the program.
petrov1.tex, petrov2.tex,
PostScript image files
is a number identifying
each image in your paper.
You can use the Coordinating Center's
installation of LaTeX to test how your paper will look when it is published. To
use this facility, put your tex and input PostScript image file(s) on the entry level
of the IVS General Meeting Proceedings ftp site,
then fill out the
LaTeX test form
and submit it.
You will need a user name and password to access the General Meeting
Proceedings ftp site. For this year's name and password, please contact
Karen Baver(
You can also test your paper on your own local directory. To do this,
ftp to the General Meetings Proceedings ftp site, then cd to the "auxiliary"
sub-directory (type: cd auxiliary). Then download its files to the same
local directory containing your tex and input PostScript files. Then type
.tex L (e.g., pstex vandenberg.tex L) to run LaTeX.
Please run pstex twice to convert all figure and table numbers
from ?? to their final values. Unconverted numbers can prevent you from
seeing the final page count and the final arrangement of text and figures.
Then view (or preferably print) your output file (e.g.,
using psview (or preferably psprint).
Final Submission.
When you are ready to submit the final version of your paper, please place
your tex file and the PostScript image files you are inputting to LaTeX on the
"final" sub-directory of the gmincoming ftp area. Submissions will not be processed
until they are on the final sub-directory. Please be sure to use the
file naming conventions
so that your paper and image files will have the names
needed for processing. Only the INPUT PostScript image files should be placed in
final. The OUTPUT Postscript file generated by LaTeX should not be placed there.
To submit the final version, please ftp to the entry level of the IVS General Meeting
Proceedings ftp site,
(If you did not already get the user name and password during testing, it is available from
Karen Baver (
If your tex and input Postscript image files are already on the entry level area, please move
them to the final sub-directory instead of submitting a second copy to final, so that space can
be saved. To move the files, type:
rename lastname.tex final/lastname.tex,
rename final/
and so on. If the move succeeds, ftp will report a confirmation that the input file
exists (message: 350 File exists, ready for destination name), then confirm the move
(message: 250 RNTO command successful). But beware of browser caching problems: if you
get the above messages but the files appear to still be on the entry level area and not
on final, you will need to refresh your browser (from netscape: hold down the terminal's
SHIFT key, then hit netscape's RELOAD button) to see the updates to the ftp area directories.
If your tex and input Postscript image files are not on the entry level area, please cd to
the final sub-directory (type: cd final) and submit your files.
View papers.
You can browse the
submitted papers
on the IVS General Meeting Proceedings ftp site. Or you can log onto the
IVSCC ftp site at
using anonymous ftp, then cd to the gmincoming/final subdirectory.
If you have problems or
questions about the process, please contact
Karen Baver,
Return to IVS General Meeting Page
Please address questions or comments to the
IVS Coordinating Center