
Sixth IVS General Meeting

February 7-13, 2010
Hobart, TAS, Australia

Overview Poster Location Schedule mini-TOW Related Meeting

Accommodation Registration Program Submit an Abstract Information for Authors

Presentations Proceedings Travel Information Invitations

Program Committee Local Committee Pictures


The IVS holds a technical meeting, called the General Meeting, every two years. The purpose of the meeting is to assemble representatives from all IVS components to share information, hear reports, and plan future activities. The meeting also provides a forum for interaction with other members of the VLBI and Earth science communities.

The keynote of the sixth GM is the new perspectives of the next generation VLBI system under the theme "VLBI2010: From Vision to Reality". The vision of the VLBI2010 system is gradually being realized. The unprecedented new capabilities of 1-mm positional accuracy and station velocities of 0.1 mm/yr, continuous observational time series for station positions and Earth orientation parameters, and fast turnaround time from observation to geodetic and astrometric result will foster new science and applications.

The content of the meeting will be of interest to the broad spectrum of IVS members as well as to the wider VLBI and Earth science community. All IVS Associate Members and individuals who have interests in the various applications and research fields of VLBI such as geodesy, astrometry, Earth sciences, and related fields are encouraged to attend the meeting and to make an oral or poster presentation. Non-IVS members are cordially invited to attend the meeting and to make a presentation.


IVS 2010 General Meeting Poster The official poster of the General Meeting is available in various resolutions:


The meeting will be held in Hobart , Tasmania, Australia and will be hosted by the University of Tasmania, School of Mathematics and Physics. The venue will be the Physics Building (No. 13) of the Sandy Bay Campus . The student accommodation is building no. 47. A map of Sandy Bay is, for instance, available through Google maps or Google earth by searching for "Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia". An icebreaker reception (Sunday, 16:00-18:00) is planned as a cocktail party at Zero Penthouse of Zero Davey . Zero Davey is located in Sullivans Cove on Hobart's waterfront . From the University of Tasmania you can follow a walk (40-45 min) suggested by Google maps or hire a cab (about 10 min drive).

View Walking Directions in New Tab

Please see an overview of all conference related locations on Google map at courtesy of Jim Lovell.

If you are a user of Google Earth, please feel free to download the meeting .kmz file (zipped kml, Keyhole Markup Language). The file will start Google Earth and "fly" you to specified locations. It provides a general view of the AuScope sites and indicates the conference venue, some of the accommodation, good local restaurants and the like. Thanks to Jim Lovell for putting this together.


The overall schedule of the week includes the General Meeting sessions plus related meetings.

Day Date Meeting Location
Sun Feb 7 Registration (2-6 pm) Zero Penthouse at Zero Davey
Icebreaker Reception (4-6 pm) Zero Penthouse at Zero Davey
Mon Feb 8 General Meeting sessions (morning) University of Tasmania
General Meeting sessions (afternoon) University of Tasmania
Tue Feb 9 General Meeting sessions (morning) University of Tasmania
Visit of Hobart Station (afternoon) Mt. Pleasant Observatory
Wed Feb 10 General Meeting sessions (morning) University of Tasmania
General Meeting sessions (afternoon) University of Tasmania
Conference Dinner (evening) Barilla Bay Restaurant
Thu Feb 11 VLBI2010 Developers and Analysis meeting (all day) (*) University of Tasmania
Fri Feb 12 Directing Board meeting (all day) University of Tasmania
Sat Feb 13 mini-TOW (full day) Mt. Pleasant Observatory

(*) The VLBI2010 Developers and Analysis meeting is a joint meeting of the Analysis groups (Analysis Workshop), Working Group 4, and the VLBI2010 Committee and VLBI2010 developers. The program of the joint meeting is available in PDF format.


A day-long Technical Operations Workshop (mini-TOW) is being organized by

This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity for station personnel attending the General Meeting to discuss issues and problems. It will provide hands-on training and problem resolution in VLBI operations. Topics covered will include, among other things, VLBI basics, experiment pre-checks and operations, RFI, phase calibration, and FS remote control.

There is only limited space available; hence only limited attendance is possible. We have reached the capacity limit and have started a waiting list. If a signed up student cannot attend, the highest entry from the waiting list will fill the vacant spot. We apologize for the inconvenience. You can check the current list of mini-TOW participants (teachers and students) and the waiting list . Please contact the organizers about the option to be included.

Related Meeting in Auckland, NZ

Following the General Meeting week, a VLBI-related full-day workshop will be held in Auckland, New Zealand. Prior to the SKANZ2010 Conference , a workshop "VLBI and GNSS: New Zealand and Australian Perspectives" will be organized on Monday February 15, 2010. This workshop is logistically tagged on the SKANZ2010 Conference and includes the option to participate in the site visit of the new VLBI station at Warkworth on Tuesday February 16. Please check the SKANZ2010 Web site for more information and make your travel plans accordingly.


General. The local organizing committee has blocked a number of rooms in the on-campus housing facilities and in a selected hotel. These two options should be requested together with the registration. Please use the registration and accommodation form for this action. The form is available in PDF and in Word format. Please fill in the appropriate parts and send it to the local organizing committee. The deadline for arranging accommodation through the local organizing committee is January 7, 2010 . If you prefer to seek other lodging options, please feel free to make use of the recommended accommodation for the Sandy Bay area given below.

On-campus option. Accommodation for the conference is available at the new University Apartments , completed in August 2004. The University Apartments boast spectacular views over the city of Hobart and the Derwent River and is only a short walk from the campus (5 min). Single rooms with shared facilities are available for $40.00 AUD per night. Each room is in an apartment of six reserved for conference delegates, the apartments each have two bathrooms, a shared kitchen and lounge/dinning room. Bookings can be requested as part of your registration. Please let the local organizing committee know if you would like to share your apartment with any particular people.

Hotel option. A limited number of rooms have also been reserved at Wrest Point Hotel & Casino and can also be requested as part of your registration. Wrest Point is 7 minutes walk to the University. 4.5 star hotel accommodation with city and harbour views. Rooms range in price from $156 AUD to $184 AUD per night. Note: As of January 6 the Standard Room for $156 AUD is sold out.

Further options. For participants not wishing to stay at the provided accommodation we recommend several other hotels and lodging options in Sandy Bay which are all within walking distance of the University. If you are having trouble booking accommodation for the meeting, please contact the local organizing committee.


The registration fee includes conference materials, conference dinner, coffee breaks, and catered lunch breaks. There is an early bird rate of $280 AUD and a regular rate of $380 AUD. The early bird rate is payable via credit card by the early bird deadline. The regular rate is payable by credit card by the regular registration deadline or in cash at the meeting.

The deadline for registering for the early bird rate was November 30, 2009 . Deadline for the regular rate was January 7, 2010 . Please use the registration and accommodation form to register for the meeting. The form is available in PDF and in Word format. Please fill in the appropriate parts and send it to the local organizing committee. Note: Pre-meeting registration is now closed. Potential participants who want to register late should get in contact with .

Once your registration has been processed, your name will be added to the registration list.

Registration for:
General Meeting (default)
VLBI2010/Analysis meeting
Sorted by:
alphabetical (default)
order registered


The program and booklet (incl. abstracts) of the meeting are available for download in PDF format. Please send a note to if you discover any mistake.

Hard copies of the program and GM booklet (book of abstracts) will be provided to participants at the meeting.

The Program Committee and session conveners prepared the following session descriptions.

Session Title Conveners Description
1 Realization and New Perspectives of VLBI2010 ,
The outstanding VLBI results available today are valuable for various fields of science and research and are needed for many practical applications. Due to its unique features VLBI plays a key role in the maintenance of precise global reference frames, TRF and CRF, and in the provision of all Earth Orientation Parameters. The unprecedented new capabilities of the next generation VLBI system of 1-mm positional accuracy and station velocities of 0.1 mm/yr, continuous observational time series for station positions and Earth orientation parameters, and fast turnaround time from observation to geodetic result will foster new science and applications.
2 Network Stations, Operation Centers, Correlators ,
This session focuses on the recent activities and future plans at VLBI networks, stations and correlators. Presentations about issues that relate to improving VLBI data quality in general and more particularly with regard to "VLBI2010" are solicited. Also welcome are submissions concerning the GGOS Project's contributions to local surveys to determine the spacial vectors from the radio telescopes to co-located geodetic instruments. Network station status reports should be submitted to this session.
3 VLBI Data Structure, Analysis Strategies and Software ,
IVS data are collected at the IVS Data Centers and analyzed by the IVS Analysis Centers. In this session, we call for contributions related to the IVS Data and Analysis Centers' activities and plans for the future. We solicit contributions from the IVS Data Centers concerning data flow, services for users, reliability and timeliness of data exchange between the primary Data Centers. IVS Analysis Centers are invited to contribute papers related to their current activities, development and comparison of models and software used for the data analysis, and assessment of the errors and accuracy of the VLBI results. We expect VLBI data to increase dramatically—by at least a factor of 10, and maybe a factor of 100—in the near future because of VLBI2010. Because of this, we are especially interested in Data Centers and Analysis plans related to automation of data collection, processing and analysis. Presentations related to the comparison and development of analysis strategies are welcome, as our changes that need to be made because of VLBI2010.
4 Interpretation of VLBI Results in Geodesy, Astrometry and Geophysics ,

The analysis of VLBI observations produces time series, long-term average positions and rates, and values of physical parameters. Suggested topics include the use of such VLBI results in modeling geophysical fluids from the atmosphere to the core, nutation/precession, high frequency Earth orientation changes, refinement of the terrestrial and celestial reference frames, interpretation of the motions of specific sites and radio sources, astrophysical investigations, tests of relativity, and other scientific uses of geodetic and astrometric VLBI data. Also included are investigations of the troposphere and the ionosphere by VLBI. Another area is the comparison, validation and combination of VLBI with other space geodetic techniques, and the integration of the techniques within the framework of IAG's Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS).
5 Progress in Technology Development ,
This session will concentrate on new technology developments in VLBI that have occurred recently or are currently in development. Included (but not limited to) are such topics as 1) development of digital processing technologies in the VLBI signal chain that are expected to soon replace traditional analog BBC’s, 2) continuing development and deployment of advanced high-data-rate disk-based recording systems, 3) transmission of raw VLBI data via high speed networks, dubbed ‘e-VLBI’, 4) new correlator technologies and techniques, 5) RFI excision techniques, 6) advanced calibration techniques and 7) automation of station operations. Contributors to the session are encouraged to report their progress and ideas on new technologies and methods, and to show how these new developments will improve the overall VLBI program.

Submit an Abstract

The extended abstract submission deadline was December 2, 2009. Abstract submission is now closed. If you want to submit a late abstract, please contact Dirk Behrend .

The Program Committee and conveners has reviewed all contributed paper submissions. All contributed papers have be accepted. Due to the large amount of submitted oral presentations about ten contributions have been changed from an oral to a poster presentation after consulting the authors. A draft program is available in the Program section.

list by session
list alphabetical
abstracts by session
abstracts alphabetical

Information for Authors

Both oral and poster papers will be published in the meeting proceedings. Please see the proceedings section of this page for instructions on preparing manuscripts.

Information for oral papers:

  • All oral papers are 15 minutes, including discussion. Invited papers are 20 resp. 25 minutes, including discussion.
  • Presentation equipment will include a PC projector (plus laptop), one overhead projector, a wireless microphone for the speaker, and a laser pointer.

Oral contributions are to be uploaded prior to the session. This should be done before the session is held (preferably a day earlier). You can perform the upload at the registration desk at Zero Davey on Sunday, February 7, or in the auditorium Monday through Wednesday, February 8-10. The auditorium and poster area are on the campus of the University of Tasmania at Hobart in the Physics building.

Information for poster papers:

  • The space available for posters will be 180 cm tall by 100 cm wide.
  • Materials for mounting posters will be provided.
  • Posters can be put up in the poster area Monday morning.
  • Posters will be left up for the duration of the meeting till Thursday 18:00.


All oral presentations and some poster presentations given at the meeting are available for downloading. You can either directly browse all presentation files or you can visit the presentations page that will provide you with individual links to the presentations.


Papers presented at the General Meeting will be published in a volume of Proceedings. The proceedings will be published as a NASA Conference Publication. The reference should be cited as follows: IVS 2010 General Meeting Proceedings, edited by D. Behrend and K. D. Baver, NASA/CP-2010-xxxxxx (Note: NASA's publication office will provide the running number 'xxxxxx', once the proceedings volume is finalized.)

Authors must follow the instructions for manuscript submission . The deadline for submission of files for publication is April 15, 2010 .

Travel Information

Visa. In order to enter Australia you will need a visa, an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) , or an eVisitor —depending on your nationality. Either of these must be obtained before travelling to Australia. The ETA and eVisitor are applied for electronically. eVisitor is available to passport holders from the European Union and a number of other European countries; there is no fee for the online application of eligible passport holders . An ETA can be applied for through a travel agent, airline, specialist service provider or an Australian visa office outside Australia. Eligible passport holders have to pay a fee (currently $20 AUD). If your country is not listed in the ETA or eVisitor eligibility lists, please check with the Australian Embasssy/Consulate in your country on the required visa procedure.

Arriving in Hobart. Most flights to Hobart go via the major hubs of Sydney or Melbourne. At Hobart airport there are no money changing facilities. If you intend to change money to get Australian dollars, you are advised to do that at the Sydney or Melbourne airports. However, there is an ATM at Hobart airport where you can draw money, provided your bank card (and PIN) are set up to work overseas.

Airport transportation. Taxis and airport bus services are available for transport to Hobart and the University of Tasmania. A taxi form the airport is $50-60 AUD and takes about 30-35 minutes. There are two bus services. (1) The Redline Airporter bus meets all incoming flights at Hobart airport. You do not need to book a ticket if you are traveling form the airport to Hobart city (just jump on the bus at the airport), but you do need to book in advance if your are traveling to the airport. The cost is $15 AUD one-way, and $25 AUD return. If you are going to the University Apartments, the bus driver will drop you off at bus stop 14. From bus stop 14 it is still a 10-min walk up a steep hill to the University Apartments. All major hotels are serviced directly. (2) The Southern Airport Pick-up Service will drop you off and collect you at a range of locations in Hobart, including (unlike the Redline Airporter bus) directly at the University's Accommodation Services office. For the Southern Airport mini-bus advance bookings are essential, a 2 or 3 days' notice is advisable. For bookings call +61-(0)3-6231-5080 or e-mail or . The cost is $25 AUD one-way from the airport to city locations, including the University.

Tourism. Tasmania is a favorite vacation spot boasting 18 National Parks which protect the largest area of temperate rainforest remaining on earth, a World Heritage Area. The local organizers have assembled a Web page with suggested tours and destinations from short trips to longer journeys. Please visit the GM2010 Tourist Information page to get inspired.

Time. Tasmania observes daylight saving time during the (southern) summer months and is then 11 hours ahead of Univsersal Time: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) = UTC + 11 hrs.

Money. Australia's currency is the Australian dollar, made up of 100 cents. There are 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, and $2 coins, and $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 notes. Although the smallest coin in circulation is 5c, prices are often still marked in single cents. and then rounded up to the nearest 5c when you come to pay.

Electricity. Plugs have three flat pins; the electricity supply is 220-240 V AV at 50 Hz.


IVS will send a letter of invitation to attend the meeting as a means of support. If this would be of assistance for your travel plans, please contact the IVS Coordinating Center to request a letter. If you need a letter from the Australian meeting host, please contact .

Program Committee

The members of the Program Committee were named by the Directing Board. Members are:

Local Organizing Committee

Members of the local organizing committee are:

Please feel free to contact any of the committee members with any questions.


You can find pictures taken during the meeting week in the links given below. If you want to make your pictures available, please send a note to

Thumbnail listing of pictures:

You can also browse and download picture files on the ftp server.