4th IVS Technical Operations Workshop
Class Interest Feedback Form

Deadline was March 6, 2007.
Submission is closed.

Use this form to

  1. give us feedback on your interest in possible courses to be offered,
  2. tell us what classes we forgot to list.

The feedback to this form will help the Program Committee decide how many and which type of courses will be offered. If there is insufficient interest for a course we will not teach it. If there is a lot of interest for a course, we will attempt to accommodate everyone who wants to attend. We may have to change the planned size of classes depending on the interest.

Several weeks before the meeting, a class selection form will be available with the exact classes to be offered.

Please check the appropriate column for each course to indicate your interest in the topic. Topic descriptions are available through the links on each name, or you can browse the complete course descriptions . Please rank as many courses as you may be interested in, using the "High interest " category and the "Medium interest " category. If you don't click anything for a course, this will be interpreted by the Program Committee as "No interest".

Please enter your name (required):    First Last

Your Level of Interest is ...
High Medium Low No
Operations Workshops (5-7 people, hands-on instruction)
Experiment Pre-checks and Operations
Mark 5B Operations
Cryogenic System and Receiver Maintenance
Maintenance Workshops (10-20 people, instruction, some hands-on, discussion)
Mark 5A Module Testing and Shipment
Automated Pointing Models Using the FS
Antenna Gain Calibration
Generating ANTAB Tsys Files Files (ANTABFS)
RFI Sources, Identification, Mitigation
Spectrum Analyzer Testing of Analog RF Systems
Rack Maintenance
Mark 5A Software and Red Hat Linux Maintenance
New OS for Mark 5 System
General Station Troubleshooting
Seminars (larger groups, demonstrations, special interest topics)
Introduction to the K5 System
Correlator Theory
Correlator Operations
Intro to Linux
Linux System Administration
Pointing and Single Dish Amplitude Calibration Theory
Timing Systems
Writing Station-specific FS Code
Topics in FS Station Software Coding
Phase Calibration Basics
Mark IV Decoder
Hydrogen Maser Monitoring and Maintenance
e-VLBI Overview
Software Correlation
Lectures (everyone welcome, general interest)
How VLBI Works
Mark 5 System Overview
Impact of Operations on Data Analysis
Science Overview
IVS Observing Program
Field System Near Term Future Plans

What Else?

Please tell us about any courses that you would like to have, that are not listed above. What did we miss that you need training or information about?

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Please address questions or comments to the IVS Coordinating Center
Last updated: February 16, 2007