IVS 2013 Annual Report

Call for Submission and Instructions


The IVS Directing Board invites all IVS components to submit reports for the IVS 2013 Annual Report. The 2013 Annual Report will cover the calendar year from January 1 through December 31, 2013.

Due Date

Reports are due by January 31, 2014 . The Annual Report is a valuable way to document and communicate IVS' activities within and outside the IVS community, and this value increases the earlier the report is available. We hope to have the report ready for distribution no later than two months after the deadline. Please help us to achieve this goal by adhering to the deadline.

Significant Changes

The submitted component reports will be printed in two columns, which will allow components more space for providing more information. This will require the use of a new class file and new keywords within component reports. The new class file is available at the IVS Annual Report ftp site's auxiliary directory, and a new template for the component reports is available at the IVS Annual Report ftp site's example directory.

Also please note that, due to security restrictions, the on-line testing form is no longer available. Instead, authors should download the provided class and sty files for testing on their local machines.

Finally, please note that the Coordinating Center will probably not post an html version of the Annual Report. But we plan to post pdf versions of the individual component reports, as well as a concatenated pdf version of the entire Annual Report, on-line.

New information

New and/or critical information is distributed throughout this Web page, highlighted in red. Even if you have submitted previous annual reports, please scan the page for this information.


The Annual Report will be published as a NASA Technical Publication. The reference should be cited as follows: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2013 Annual Report , edited by K. D. Baver, D. Behrend, and K. L. Armstrong, NASA/TP-2014-??????, 2014. (NASA's publication office will provide the running number represented by the six question marks, once the volume is finalized.)

Contents of the Annual Report

As in previous Annual Reports, the publication will include reports from all components and Coordinators:

  • Network Stations
  • Operation Centers
  • Correlators
  • Data Centers
  • Analysis Centers
  • Technology Development Centers
  • Network Coordinator
  • Analysis Coordinator
  • Technology Coordinator
  • Coordinating Center

We will continue with the bibliography list. So, please provide in addition to your report, a list of publications from the calendar year 2013 that you would like included in the bibliography. Send your list directly to

Other items of general interest to IVS will be included in the publication. Please send the Coordinating Center any suggestions for other articles to be included in the Annual Report.

What to Write About in Your Report

Suggested topics include the following:

  • Section 1: General Information . Please provide general information about your component such as its location, its sponsoring agency and what type of contribution you are making to IVS. If you have a photograph of your antenna, correlator, analysis center, etc. you should include it.
  • Section 2: Component Description . Please provide a technical/scientific description of your component that is relevant to your component type: for example, parameters of your network station's antenna, capabilities of your correlation center's correlator, types of analysis solutions that you do as an analysis center, technology developments in progress at your technology development center, etc.
  • Section 3: Staff . Please provide a list of your staff members who are contributing to IVS, provide some information about them and indicate what each person is working on.
  • Section 4: Current Status and Activities . Please provide information about the current status and activities of your component during the reporting period, such as operational support, milestones reached, analysis performed or ongoing projects. Please describe any significant changes compared to the previous year's report, such as staffing changes, new equipment, changes in methods, new types of results or a change in your activity level. You do not need to repeat information already provided in the previous year's report.
  • Section 5: Future Plans . Please describe your plans for the coming year: scheduled operations, planned activities, maintenance, upgrades, new equipment, new staff, new software development or algorithms, new hardware arriving, etc.


Please use the following guidelines in preparing your report.

  • Length . Component reports may be a maximum of four pages. The limit will be strictly enforced for this publication. But the new class file will produce two-column output, providing more space than the previous ivs2e.cls class file did.
  • LaTeX format . The required format for reports is LaTeX.
  • Use of files . Due to the use of a new class file which requires new keywords, it is recommended that users download the new template file and fill in the information. We only accept reports with the new class file svmultivs.cls . The previous file ivs2e.cls is now obsolete.
  • Class and style files . Your tex file must reference the svmultivs.cls . Other available style files support inclusion of figures , floating figures , bold math , inclusion of html link references and wrapping text around floating objects .
  • Keyword changes . The new class file will require a new set of keywords, listed below for convenience. If you do not download and fill in the template file , please remove the discarded keywords from your report, add the new keywords, and fill in the current values for all keywords. Please also replace \documentclass{ivs2e} with \documentclass[twocolumn,twoside]{svmultivs}, \MakeTitle with \maketitle, and \begin{abstract} text \end{abstract} with \abstract{text}.
      Discarded Keywords
    • \Title{}
    • \STitle{}
    • \PublicationType
    • \PublicationName
    • \IVSComponentName
    • \NumberOfAuthors
    • \AuthorName
    • \AuthorEmail
    • \AuthorTelephone
    • \AuthorPersonalWebPage
    • \AuthorInstitutionReference --- Now handled by superscripts in the \author keyword,. e.g., Dirk Behrend~$^1$
    • \ContactAuthorReference
    • \InstitutionName
    • \InstitutionFax
      New keywords
    • \title*{} --- the full title for the first page
    • \titlerunning{} --- a shortened title for other pages
    • \author{} --- listing of all authors for the first page
    • \authorrunning{} --- shorter list of all authors for other pages -- e.g., Behrend et al.
    • \authoremails{} --- list of e-mail addresses for the authors
    • \institute{} --- list of the names of institutions that supported your component and/or contributed to the report
    • \component{} --- identifier of your component, such as Pulkovo Analysis Center
    • \ContactAuthorName{} --- name of the contact author
    • \ContactAuthorTelephone{} --- phone number of the contact author
    • \ContactAuthorEmail{} --- e-mail address of the contact author
      Continued Keywords
    • \NumberofInstitutions{} --- number of institutions that supported your component and/or contributed to your report
    • \InstitutionPostAddress{n}{} --- mailing address of institution n
    • \InstitutionCountry{n}{} --- country of institution n
    • \InstitutionWebPage{n}{} --- web address of institution n
  • Abstract . It is strongly suggested that your abstract include highlights of your component's current activities and/or future plans. The correct way to specify an abstract is now \abstract{text}.
  • Graphics format . The use of pictures and images is strongly encouraged to make the publication more interesting. The preferred format for this publication is encapsulated PostScript format. The Coordinating Center will try to accommodate images in other formats by converting them to encapsulated PostScript, but generation of the files as encapsulated PostScript or conversion of the files to encapsulated PostScript at the components tends to produce higher quality figures. If you convert a graphics file from a non-PostScript format (e.g., gif, jpeg, or tiff) to encapsulated PostScript, we request that you also upload the original file. This may assist the Coordinating Center in solving problems with PostScript graphics files that stem from the conversion. The use of \begin{figure*} and \end{figure*} will allow a figure to span both columns of a page.
  • Graphics colors . Pdfs of the individual component reports will be placed on the web, and they support figures with colors. But the printed version will be done in black-and-white only. So color coded quantities on plots should also be represented by some other scheme (e.g., symbol shape or size, dotted vs. straight lines). Please print your paper in black and white to make sure that the graphics convey your desired information. Please also consider labelling the color schemes in the plots' captions (e.g., "The red (dotted) line plots the values, and the blue (dashed) line plots the sigmas.").
  • Tables . The use of tables is encouraged to group information and break up the page text visually. The use of \begin{table*} and \end{table*} will allow a table to span both columns of a page.
  • Mixing of one-column and two-column tables and figures . The svmultivs.cls class file is based on a class file that can have problems mixing one-column and two-column tables and figures. The wrong combination may suppress one or more tables or figures. Please check your final output carefully.
  • Acknowledgements . If you want to acknowledge funding, contributions of non-co-authors, or any other item, please add an acknowledgement section at the end of your report. This section should be unnumbered and should thus be coded as \section*{Acknowledgements} .
  • Template file . A short template file, ivs-ar-template.tex , is available.
  • FAQs and Common Problems . A collection of answers to frequently asked questions and common problems can be found on the FAQs page .

File Names

  • If your component is submitting a report for the first time or if you want to change the names of your files (e.g., from acgsfc.tex to acgoddard.tex), please contact to make sure that you do not use a name that another component is already using.


Due to security restrictions, the Coordinating Center can no longer provide a web-based testing form. Instead, please test your report on your local machine by downloading the files in the style file directory into the same directory on your local machine as your .tex and input PostScript files. Then run pdflatex your_file_name.tex until you have successfully run pdflatex twice in a row. Running twice is necessary to convert all figure and table numbers from ?? to their final values. Unconverted numbers can prevent you from seeing the final page count and the final arrangement of text and figures.

Final Submission

When you are ready to submit the final version of your report, please ftp to the entry level of the IVS Annual Report ftp site at ftp://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ . The user name is arincoming. For this year's password please contact When you log on, change directory to the "final" sub-directory using the cd final command and then submit the final copies of your tex and input PostScript image files for the official submission. The entry level directory is no longer writeable.

View Reports

You can browse the submitted reports on the IVS Annual Report Web site.


If you have problems or questions, please contact