

Functions of Correlators in the IVS Terms of Reference

Country IVS Component Name (link to recent Annual/Biennial Report) Primary Contact Sponsoring Organization Programs Supported S T %
Austria Vienna Correlator Johannes Boehm Vienna Center for VLBI AUS-AST, VGOS-OPS 1.0 10 100%
China Shanghai Correlator Fengchun Shu Shanghai Astronomical Observatory CVN, AOV, APSG, AUS-AST, CRF, VGOS-OPS 0.8 4 50%
Germany Astro/Geo Correlator at MPIfR Simone Bernhart MPIfR , BKG , Reichert GmbH IVS-R1, IVS-T2, OHIG, IVS-INT-3, VGOS-OPS 2.8 10 50%
Japan Tsukuba VLBI Center Yu Takagi Geospatial Information Authority of Japan AOV, IVS-INT-2 0.5 10 100%
Russia Institute of Applied Astronomy Igor Surkis Institute of Applied Astronomy RU-I, RU-E 1 10 50%
USA Washington Correlator David Hall NEOS IVS-R4, CRF, TRF, IVS-INT-1, VGOS-OPS, VGOS-INT-A 1.0 10 100%
USA MIT Haystack Correlator Pedro Elosegui NASA Goddard Space Flight Center R&D, VGOS-OPS, VGOS-RD 0.5 20 12%

Key: S = storage capacity [PB], T = e-transfer speed [Gbps], % = %use for geodesy