About IVS
Working Groups:
IVS Working Group on Education and Training
The IVS Working Group on Education and Training
(WG6) was established by the IVS Directing Board at its meeting in Bordeaux on 23 March 2009.
The work of WG6 is reviewed by the IVS Board at its regular meetings.
The mandate of the WG6 comprises the following tasks:
to establish contacts to education institutions in geodesy, geosciences, and astrometry
worldwide with the aim to raise interest in geodetic and astrometric VLBI among students.
to develop education material that can be distributed to education institutions.
to seek funding and to develp a concept and prepare the organization of training in form
of for example IVS summer schools for master and PhD students.
The WG6 is chaired by Rüdiger Haas; other initial members are Oleg Titov, Hayo Hase,
Bjørn Engen, Johannes Böhm, Dirk Behrend, and Alan Whitney. Further candidate
members will be asked later to support the group. It is expected that a WG report will be
compiled and submitted to the IVS DB on the first IVS DB in 2011.
Working Group Members
Rüdiger Haas (Chair), Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden
Dirk Behrend, NVI, Inc./NASA GSFC, USA
Johannes Böhm, TU Vienna, Austria
Hayo Hase, BKG, Germany
Bjørn Engen, NMA, Norway
Lucia Plank, TU Vienna, Austria
Oleg Titov, Geoscience Australia, Australia
Alan Whitney, MIT Haystack Observatory, USA
final report
WG6 was accepted at the September 7, 2013 Directing Board meeting and the Working Group was closed.
The final report was published as special report in the IVS 2013 Annual Report.
With the closing of WG6, the Directing Board created the permanent
IVS Committee on VLBI Education and Training
at its
meeting on September 7, 2013.