
Links to Meetings: 1999

25-28 Jan. GEMSTONE Workshop and APT/APSG meeting, at CRL, Koganei, Japan
12-13 Feb. 13th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Viechtach (Wettzell), Bayerischer Wald, Germany
12-16 Apr. Joint 13th Euro. Freq. & Time Forum + 1999 IEEE Intern. Freq. Control Symp., Besancon, France
19-23 Apr. European Geophysical Society XXIV General Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands
1 Jun-04 Jun. AGU 1999 Spring Meeting - Boston, MA
19-30 Jul. 22nd IUGG General Assembly - Birmingham, U.K.
27-30 Sep. IAU Colloqium 178, Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems , Cagliari University Center, Sardinia, Italy
27-30 Sep. International Symposium on GPS (GPS'99), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
18-20 Oct. 3rd APSG meeting, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
13-17 Dec. Fall AGU Meeting , San Francisco