
Links to Meetings: 2002

4-7 Feb. Second IVS General Meeting , Tsukuba, Japan
8-9 Apr. Global e-VLBI Workshop , Haystack Observatory, USA
21-26 Apr. European Geophysical Society Meeting , Nice, France.
29-30 Apr. OCCAM User Workshop , IGG of TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
28 May - 1 June AGU Spring Meeting , Washington, DC
25-28 June 6th European VLBI Network Symposium , Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn, Germany
2-5 July IAU 8th Asian Pacific Regional Meeting , Tokyo, Japan
5-8 November New Technologies in VLBI , Gyeong-ju, Korea
18-21 November IERS Workshop on Combination Research and Global Geophysical Fluids , Munich, Germany