
Links to Meetings: 2013

2-5 March VLBI Training School , Espoo, Finland
5-8 March 21st European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA) Working Meeting , Espoo, Finland
7-12 April EGU General Assembly 2013 , Vienna, Austria
8-12 April Technical Forum on "Radio Interference in Large Bandwidth Observations" , Bonn, Germany
6-9 May Seventh IVS Technical Operations Workshop , Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, USA
24-28 June AOGS 2013 , Brisbane, Australia
1-6 September IAG Scientific Assembly , Potsdam, Germany
16-18 September Journées 2013 , Paris, France
19-20 September ITU/BIPM Workshop on the Future of the International Time Scale , Geneva, Switzerland
10-12 October 2nd International VLBI Technology Workshop , Seogwipo, Jeju Island, South Korea
14-17 October APSG 2013 International Meeting , Columbus, Ohio, USA
9-13 December AGU Fall Meeting , San Francisco, USA