
Links to Meetings: 2012

14-16 February Pathways to SKA Science in Australasia , Auckland, New Zealand
1-2 March VLBI2010 Workshop on Technical Specifications , Bad Kötzting, Germany
4-9 March 7th IVS General Meeting , Madrid, Spain
22-27 April EGU General Assembly 2012 , Vienna, Austria
13-17 August AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly , Singapore
19-20 August International Symposium on Space Geodesy and Earth System , Shanghai, China
21-25 August International Summer School on Space Geodesy and Earth System , Shanghai, China
20-31 August XXVIII IAU General Assembly , Beijing, China
17-20 September WEGENER 2012 , Strasbourg, France
24-28 September 6th Annual DiFX Users and Developers Meeting , Sydney, Australia
9-12 October 11th EVN Symposium , Bordeaux, France
22-24 October 1st International VLBI Technology Workshop , Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, USA
3-7 December AGU Fall Meeting , San Francisco, USA